Due on Tuesday – November 6 th ! Directions: As a culminating project for, “The Great Encounter” create 2 separate magazine COVERS for the chapter. One layout cover will include factual information and the other will be opinion. Read each step below to see what the requirements are and look at the rubric on the back. Step 1:Create a Factual Magazine cover for “The Great Encounter”. Include the following: 1.Color 2.3 Headlines of potential articles you would find in a Factual magazine. The headlines for the Fact cover should include dates and no opinion. Each headline must be at least 5 words. 3.Date and Volume of your magazine 4.2 Pictures in color. 5.Caption: Include a caption under at least 1 photo. 6.Title of your magazine: Should be in a theme that connects to Chapter 4. Theme ideas for Chapter 4: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Title for the Factual Magazine: ___________________________________________ Step 2:Create an Opinion Magazine cover for “The Great Encounter”. Include the following: 1.Color 2.3 Headlines of potential articles you would find in an Opinionated magazine. The headlines for the Opinion cover should reflect opinion of what was going on during that time period. Each headline must be at least 5 words. 3.Date and Volume of your magazine 4. 2 Pictures in color. 5.Caption: Include a caption under at least 1 photo. 6.Title of your magazine: Should be in a theme that connects to Chapter 4 and indicate opinion. Title for the Opinion Magazine: _____________________________________________
1. Pen: All of the writing portion should be typed or in blue/black ink. Please only type if you have a working printer. 2. Color: The entire magazine does call for color, thus it should be included. 3. Spelling/Grammar/Etc: Don’t forget question marks if you are asking a question. Finally, check your sentences do they make sense? 4. Mechanics: Each section calls for specific items so use the front of the paper as a checklist and highlight when you have accomplished the task. 5. Fact versus Opinion – Each magazine should take on the role of either facts or be opinions about Chapter 4 content. Finally use the rubric below to see how I am assessing your product. Final Copy Expectation Checklist: CATEGORY ABCD Requirements (5) Student showed effort and followed throughout the 2 magazine layouts (5) Student showed effort and almost followed throughout the 2 layouts. (3.5) At least 75% of the required content was present. (2) Less than 75% of the required content was present. (1) Spelling and Proofreading (5) Student had less than 2 spelling errors, punctuation was present throughout. (5) Student had less than 4 spelling errors, punctuation was present throughout. (3.5) Student had more than 5 spelling errors and lack of grammar and punctuation made it a distraction to read. (2) It was clear that the student did not proof read the assignment. (1) Opinion Layout (10) Student followed correct format for an Opinion Layout (10) Student almost followed correct format an Opinion Layout (8) Student followed 50% correct format (6) Student followed less than 50% of the time the correct format for the Opinion Layout. (4) Fact Layout (10) Student followed correct format for a Factual Layout (10) Student almost followed correct format a Factual Layout (8) Student followed 50% correct format the Factual layout. (6) Student followed less than 50% of the time the correct format for the Factual Layout. (4) Content (10) Student went above and beyond to show content knowledge of Chapter 4 in both covers. (10) Student made a product but could go 1 step further to show content knowledge of Chapter 4 in both covers. (8) Over 50% of the magazine covers struggles to show knowledge of Chapter 4 (6) Less than 50% of the magazine covers show knowledge of Chapter 4 (6) Name: _____________________________Total: ______/40 Comments: _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________