V 2.1 Tier II Intervention & Selection Using Data
V 2.1 Overview of Session 1.Using Data to Match Intervention to Function of Behavior
V 2.1 Behavior is Communication
V 2.1 The ABCs of Behavior Function 1.Antecedent- the events, action, or circumstances that occur before a behavior. 2.Behavior- The behavior. 3.Consequences (outCome)- The action or response that follows the behavior.
V 2.1 The Function of Behavior is at the center of strategies for : Prevention, Teaching and Responding to Behavior Function guides selection of prevention strategies Function guides selection of alternative/replacement behaviors Function guides selection of teacher responses FUNCTION Consequence & Function Problem Behavior Antecedent
V 2.1 Understanding the interaction between behavior and the teaching environment ➢ Behavior is functionally related to the teaching environment ➢ Student behavior is influenced by teacher behavior ➢ To intervene effectively we need precise information
V 2.1 Functional Assessment Checklist for Teachers FACTS Appendix H Pages 72-78
V 2.1 What is the FACTS ◆ A Basic, Brief or Practical FBA (Functional Behavior Assessment)
V 2.1 Why use the FACTS ❑ Knowing the function of a student’s behavior will help the team create an effective and efficient positive behavior support plan. ❑ The FACTS is an efficient way for helping to determine how we can best support students where they need support the most.
V 2.1 When to use the FACTS FACTS FBA Exhibit high frequency behaviors that are NOT dangerous (e.g., talking out, running, not following directions, not completing work.) Have received interventions that did not improve behavior. Exhibit behaviors that occur in 1 to 2 school routines (e.g., specific classrooms/activities, lunch, recess). Exhibit dangerous behaviors (e.g., hitting, throwing objects, property destruction). Exhibit behaviors in 3 or more school routines.
V 2.1 How to do the FACTS ❑ Interview staff and/or students ❑ Utilize information obtained from the FACTS interviews to plan for observations ❑ Observe students within routines identified by the FACTS ❑ Observe to test the Summary of Behavior obtained from FACTS interviews
V 2.1 DATA you gain from the FACTS ❑ FACTS will identify: 1. Student Strengths-Routines where the student is successful 2. Problem behaviors 3. Routines in which problem behaviors occur 4. Triggers or predictors of the problem behavior 5. Function of the behaviors for the student 6. Possible setting events 7. Summary of behavior
V 2.1 FACTS will help you build an effective Behavior Support Plan (BSP) ❑ Details about settings/routines where a student is successful can be used to redesign problematic routines ❑ Environmental variables associated with routines that are successful can be introduced to naturally reduce the likelihood of problem behavior. ❑ The team will target the most problematic routines and activities.
V 2.1 Team Discussion Questions ❑ Who on your team could complete the FACTS? ❑ Turn to the FACTS in your manual and take a few moments to look it over and talk about the value of using the FACTS to match intervention and support to function of behavior. Appendix H Page 72
V 2.1 Link To More information FACTS
V 2.1 Resources