Support Provider Training #2
Logistics Support Provider Website Google Spreadsheet State Consent Form Support Provider Feedback Results
Leadership How many of you think a Support Provider is considered a leader? How many of you think of yourselves as leaders?
Leading with Lollipops Lollipop Moments:
Leading with Lollipops Video- Drew Dudley Discussion
Evidence vs. Opinion
SP Observation Move to different table Review SP observation as a group Reference SP Observation Checklist – Disregard the IIP bullet Discussion Return to original table to share
Module E
Step 1 Enter location of where evidence and HYPERLINK to location on flash drive If you’re using the SP observation, document time At least one piece of evidence MUST be from something other than the SP observation Enter evidence of application & demonstration in your classroom. Include justification & be concise.
Step 2 List four strengths total in teaching & Date it. Connect the strength to the evidence listed above.
Step 3 Review #1: highlight words/phrases appropriate of your evidence Determine where you are right now on the Continuum and date it for both reviews Review #2: underline words/phrases appropriate of your evidence
Step 4 Consider how you marked the Continuum, and list four areas of your teaching you would like to improve & Date it
Module E Collection of Evidence Application and Demonstration of the CSTPs Reviewed 2 times each year Review I Module A Module B- Part I Module B- Part II Module E- Part I Review II Module C Module D Module E- Part II
Essential Standards Resource created by you Available on SP website
Review Winter & Spring Process Sample of Flash Drive – Elementary – Secondary
Kathy Marvin Kathy Marvin California Teacher of the Year, 2010 Evernote Hyperlinking
Next Steps Monthly Meeting Review I – Module A – Module B- Part I – Module B- Part II – Module E State Consent Form Complete the SP Application Complete the SP Agreement
Lollipop Moments “Leadership needs to be about Lollipop Moments- how many we create, how many we acknowledge, how many we pay forward, and how many we say thank you for…” ~Drew Dudley Thank you for making a difference in the life of a new teacher and their students today and of tomorrow.