Tahoma School District 8 th Grade Science District Assessment – In the Doghouse Tahoma Jr. High 8 th Grade Science Maple Valley, WA This Debrief will help you learn how to create the best answers for State Test questions – pay close attention.
REMEMBER: When taking any test… Be Careful With All Test Materials DO NOT DAMAGE ANY PAPERS or COMPUTERS (or YOU’LL be “In The Doghouse”)
NEXT: Relax before a test… then read the given information carefully and follow instructions to answer the questions… (and write NEATLY )
In your table group, use the red pens and go through the Debrief PPT SCORING your assessment JUST AS IT IS SHOWN ON THE SLIDES. Discuss correct answers briefly if confused. STOP WHEN YOU GET TO QUESTION #10 – that will be done by the TEACHER.
Here’s what was given… you should have read it VERY CAREFULLY
Multiple Choice Questions are very quick and worth 1 point each. Always choose The ONE best answer ! Put more time into thinking about what to write for written Response Questions since they are worth more combined points.
You are going to grade your own paper this time being the first one of these District Assessments. (so no need to write “C.B…” this time). You will do it the same way you do a Lab Write-Up or Journal. We are trying to find evidence of good answers and awarding points – not subtracting any. Make sure you follow the Debrief instructions and grade them accurately – as they will be checked for accuracy by the District !
On to the Short Response (2pts) and Extended Response (4pts) type questions... again… read everything VERY carefully and answer “exactly what they are asking for”.
Take note – they listed 3 things for you to focus on. Use these bulleted items as a checklist !! (and even lightly check them off on the test form when done)
Keep In Mind: Although Tahoma School District teaches you a Conclusion refers back to the Hypothesis (which is a good general way of doing science that will always be correct), the State Test this time asks you to instead “ Answer the question ”. Stating the Hypothesis correct or not DOES answer the question - though indirectly – so make sure your Conclusion “statement” about the Hypothesis “answers the question” clearly. ALWAYS DO WHAT THE INSTRUCTIONS ASK: use their bulleted checklist to guide your Conclusion writing.
This Short Response had 4 items State Graders were looking for. See if you had each of them: Attributes of a Conclusion What to look for? Conclusive statement Answers the question: How does insulating the walls and ceiling of a doghouse model with insulating material affect the inside temperature of the doghouse model? “ADDING INSULATION INCREASES THE TEMPERATURE.” 1
This Short Response had 4 items State Graders were looking for. See if you had each of them: Attributes of a Conclusion What to look for? Conclusive statement Answers the question: How does insulating the walls and ceiling of a doghouse model with insulating material affect the inside temperature of the doghouse model? “ADDING INSULATION INCREASES THE TEMPERATURE.” Supporting data for No Insulation No Insulation Average Temp 3.7° C (use averages whenever possible) 11
This Short Response had 4 items State Graders were looking for. See if you had each of them: Attributes of a Conclusion What to look for? Conclusive statement Answers the question: How does insulating the walls and ceiling of a doghouse model with insulating material affect the inside temperature of the doghouse model? “ADDING INSULATION INCREASES THE TEMPERATURE.” Supporting data for No Insulation No Insulation Average Temp 3.7° C (use averages whenever possible) Supporting data for Cardboard Cardboard Average Temp 12.3° C 111
This Short Response had 4 items State Graders were looking for. See if you had each of them: Attributes of a Conclusion What to look for? Conclusive statement Answers the question: How does insulating the walls and ceiling of a doghouse model with insulating material affect the inside temperature of the doghouse model? “ADDING INSULATION INCREASES THE TEMPERATURE.” Supporting data for No Insulation No Insulation Average Temp 3.7° C (use averages whenever possible) Supporting data for Cardboard Cardboard Average Temp 12.3° C Explanatory Language The Hypothesis was correct since adding insulation raised the temperature 8.6° C 1111
NOTE: Averages are much better data to work with Trials only show individual results for each test, and could have some variation… that’s why we use Averages for your own Grades. Also remember: ANYTHING written OUTSIDE the box may be IGNORED by the grader. Therefore, try to visually plan how your answer will basically fit inside the box before you start writing.
111 thinner
Did you happen to notice that this investigation is an extension to the original experiment? The difference is that now we are looking at both insulation AND the size of the doghouse, AND comparing how they affect the temperature. Here’s the bulleted checklist items – focus on them! (one bullet has a sub-list, follow it too!)
Attributes of CER What to look for? Claim Did student make a claim, a statement of fact, that answers the question. i.e. The smaller, insulated doghouse will have the warmer temperature. 1
11 Attributes of CER What to look for? Claim Did student make a claim, a statement of fact, that answers the question. i.e. The smaller, insulated doghouse will have the warmer temperature. Evidence Did the student support the claim with data (averages from the data table) i.e. The smaller doghouse was on average 10*C warmer than the larger doghouse, and the house with insulation was on average 9*C warmer than the house without insulation.
111 Attributes of CER What to look for? Claim Did student make a claim, a statement of fact, that answers the question. i.e. The smaller, insulated doghouse will have the warmer temperature. Evidence Did the student support the claim with data (averages from the data table) i.e. The smaller doghouse was on average 10*C warmer than the larger doghouse, and the house with insulation was on average 9*C warmer than the house without insulation.. Reasoning Did the student justify their evidence to the claim. i.e. Therefore I can conclude that the smaller and insulated doghouse combination will have the warmer temperature.
Now – you should have 15 red circles with either a 1 or 0 in them… total them up how many were earned and put them in a fraction written ONCE and NEATLY ! inside a circle in the open area here… x 15
Don’t forget – you already earned your 20pts for Class Participation for putting in an honest effort (and for grading this accurately – if you did not grade accurately, points may be taken away now). But if you’re curious how well you did, here’s a general guideline: 10-15: would Pass the State Test 9 and down… well, you best start working a lot harder… especially learning how to do Lab Write-Ups better (they are at least ½ of the State Test) end show