Secretary’s Duties and Responsibilities Standard Duties Federation Secretary Gracie Couch-2010 Phone:
The standard duties of a secretary are: – Record and keep minutes of all chapter meetings along with attendance – You are a corresponding officer for your chapter – Distribute the minutes to the chapter after a meeting by reading at the next meeting – Maintain and archive policies and procedures of the chapter – use Robert’s Rules of Order and Parliamentary Law and Protocol 2
Position of Secretary The position of secretary is not incredibly demanding or time consuming position, but it does require organization and attention to detail The minutes, bylaws, policies, and procedures –all have to be consistent This position is critical in collecting and keeping the chapter’s historical information as well as communication with the Federation. 3
Other duties as Secretary Record new slate of officers for current year by using the F-7 form or by internet input by going to - Demonstration Record delegates and alternates for current year for State Convention by using the form F-42 – this may be done on the internet Demonstration Using the internet is much easier – you can print your forms that are complete for your hard copy of records. 4
Other duties as Secretary You may have other assigned duties by your president You may have other assigned duties by your president In the absence of an actual parliamentarian, you may be asked to do this job – if so you will need to read your by-laws and use the Robert’s Rules of Order In the absence of an actual parliamentarian, you may be asked to do this job – if so you will need to read your by-laws and use the Robert’s Rules of Order Furnish delegates and alternates with credentials for State Convention Furnish delegates and alternates with credentials for State Convention Maintain record books containing: Bylaws, special rules of order, standing rules, and minutes and have the current record books on hand at meetings. Demonstration Maintain record books containing: Bylaws, special rules of order, standing rules, and minutes and have the current record books on hand at meetings. Demonstration 5
Availability of Minutes The minutes of the chapter should be easily available during and after the meetings. The attendance records of the chapter for all meetings and activities should be current Record members and non-members attendance at meetings and chapter events Accurate records of members and guest are very beneficial to the chapter’s membership recruiting and retention efforts 6
Your minutes are your chapter’s archives and will inform future officers and members why decisions were made as well as past issues Your minutes are your chapter’s archives and will inform future officers and members why decisions were made as well as past issues History can only be recalled accurately if it is written down accurately History can only be recalled accurately if it is written down accurately When you start out your new year as secretary, you will need to obtain all prior minutes and other chapter related information that are permanent records – keeping them on the website is a good option! When you start out your new year as secretary, you will need to obtain all prior minutes and other chapter related information that are permanent records – keeping them on the website is a good option!Demonstration Records 7
Member of the Board As Secretary, you are a member of your board You are responsible for communication the chapter’s board or any changes to the board to your chapter The job of Secretary is important for taking and keeping accurate minutes and records of the board and bring back to the chapter Record what is done not what is said 8
Additional Duties You will need to order all the necessary supplies for your chapter’s operation Furnish reports and documents to Federation as required Attend all chapter and board meetings Maintain a roster of chapter officers, committee chairs, and members Maintain a copy of the chapter’s constitution and by laws. Online is option. Demonstration 9
Additional Duties Arrive at all meetings well before the meeting begins to make sure every thing is in order In the absence of the President and Vice President (s) call the meeting to order and ask your membership to elect a temporary chairperson to conduct the meeting Keep appropriate officers and telephone committee advised of new members 10
A Good Secretary A good secretary works closely with the chapter president in preparing the agenda for meetings Discussing items to be covered and determining how they should be handled Similar cooperation is required with the board, chapter members, federation, and national officers in answering correspondence and performing other duties as assigned 11
Format for Agenda NARFE Chapter 0781 Meeting Agenda NARFE Chapter 0781 Meeting Agenda Date of the meeting Date of the meeting Call to order Call to order Invocation Invocation Pledge to the USA Flag Pledge to the USA Flag Welcome and introduction of new members and visitors Welcome and introduction of new members and visitors Program – Guest Speaker and Topic Program – Guest Speaker and Topic Reading of the minutes Reading of the minutes 12
Format for Agenda Treasurer’s Report – name of treasurer – the dollar amount of balance and the dollar amount of on hand for use Committee reports Unfinished business New business announcements Adjourn – end your minutes by signing your name, title, date, and adjournment time Next meeting date – place on website calendar - Demonstration 13
Guest Speaker’s Speeches Your minutes on a guest speaker and his or hers topics should be summarized without comment List the main topics of the guest speaker subject – just keep it brief List the guest speaker’s employer and job title 14
Minutes The minutes should show: The minutes should show: Kind of meeting “Regular” or “Special” Name of the chapter plus chapter number Date of Meeting Place of meeting and time started Who presided Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Welcome and introduction of guest, new member(s), special speaker, topic of speaker
Minutes cont. Reading of minutes - approved as read or corrected and approved (never erase –mark through the error) Reading of minutes - approved as read or corrected and approved (never erase –mark through the error) Record the Treasurer’s report – Actual balance and the amount on hand for use Record the Treasurer’s report – Actual balance and the amount on hand for use Committee reports Committee reports Unfinished business Unfinished business New business New business Announcements and time of adjournment Announcements and time of adjournment
Summary of Motions: MAIN: Actions of a main motion: Second required, debatable, amendable, majority vote required, and purpose – to introduce new business. SUBSIDIARY: Limit or extend limits of debate – second required, not debatable, amendable, and two-thirds vote Postpone to a certain time: second required, debatable, amendable, majority vote required – to delay an action Refer to a committee: second required, debatable, amendable, and requires a majority vote – to place business in the hands of a committee 17
Amend – second required, debatable, amendable, majority vote required – to modify or alter a motion Lay on the table: second required, not debatable, not amendable, requires a majority vote – to set aside an item of business temporarily Previous Question: second required, not debatable, not amendable, requires a two-thirds vote – to close debate immediately. Postpone indefinitely: second required, debatable, not amendable, and requires a majority vote – to kill a motion without bringing it to a vote. 18
PRIVILEGED MOTIONS: Kind of motions Adjourn: second required, not debatable, not amendable, majority of a vote required – to end the meeting Take a Recess: second required, not debatable, amendable, majority of a vote required – to interrupt a meeting for a short time or provide an intermission Raise a Question of Privilege: no second, not debatable, not amendable, no vote required – to obtain an action immediately in an emergency Call for the orders of the day: no to all – second, debatable, amendable, vote – to demand the chair to proceed with regular order of business 19
WHERE TO GET HELP The federation secretary is your first resource for: – Documents, forms, contacts at National – Assistance with transferring information using the National website and the Federation website – Questions on storage and transfer of secretarial records – General assistance on organization and regulations
Emphasis this year Keeping your chapter rosters up-to-date – If you are having problems then call, , or mail me your information and I’ll assist you – Please send me a copy of your F-7 if you file on the National website – Always check on the Federation website to make sure your F-7 is up-to-date – Don’t forget to Include your dues, meeting information, and date of changes
Emphasis this year, cont. Filing Credentials for the Federation Convention – We are using the Federation website to file Delegate Credentials. – You may still sent the F-42 form to me and I’ll enter in online for you or – You may enter it online (it’s easy to do) – You may call me and read your list
Emphasis this year, cont. Keeping chapter meeting information current – Update the Public Calendar on the Federation website with your meeting information Publishing chapter newsletters – Mailing, website, Maintaining our “Deceased Members List” – I will be working with our secretaries to : Update names with National Working with the secretaries, service officers and membership officers to support our chapter members and their families
Contacting the Federation Secretary Gracie Couch 729 Carriage Trail Rocky Mount, NC Phone: Always available in your Federation Newspaper and on the Federation website