Competitive Destinations What are they doing differently? Martin Winter Asia Pacific ICCRM Perth, Australia 3-5 August
Outline: Asia Pacific ICCRM, Perth, 2006 Adelaide Convention Tourism Authority Maximise your chances Engage committed bid partners Respond rapidly Prepare detailed bid strategies
Maximise your chances Outlines, Asia Pacific ICCRM, Perth, 2006
Engage committed bid partners Outlines, Asia Pacific ICCRM, Perth, 2006
Respond rapidly Defence + Industry Conference 2007 Outlines, Asia Pacific ICCRM, Perth, 2006
Competitive bid won in July Lead from state government (DTED) 22/6 (Thurs) informed that Syd, Mel, Bris preferred 23/6 bid ‘summit’ with key defence, minister and govm’t to identify Canberra decision makers and strategy 24/6 (Sat) draft business case developed 26/6 (Mon) NC presents draft in Canberra 27,28/6 final bid prepared & printed (quotes, support strategy, business case, premier) 29/6 (Thurs) shipped 3/6 am outstanding issues solved – pm Air vice marshal visits Canberra 4/6 ACTA notified Adelaide as preferred destination Aug 2007 – 1200 delegates - $2.1 million Outlines, Asia Pacific ICCRM, Perth, 2006
Prepare a detailed bid strategy World Congress on Youth & Performing Arts Outlines, Asia Pacific ICCRM, Perth, 2006
World Congress on Youth & Performing Arts Underpinned by strong local & govm’t support Strong bid committee Thorough research of congress history & future Research into all individuals, alliances, prejudices, expectations Development of draft operational strategy Development of individual strategy for each of the 120 voting members – 65 countries Key was to use the network of influencers to lobby for Adelaide – secretariat, Board, expats Personal contact made bulletins forwarded monthly Outlines, Asia Pacific ICCRM, Perth, 2006
World Congress on Youth & Performing Arts Bid doc produced – 180 K$15 Personal visit made to all continents and all key countries Appropriate airline partner enlisted Cocktail reception prior to vote hosted by delegation of 6 in Montreal incl minister – every member individually and personally greeted All competition withdrew on day of vote, recommending Adelaide – vote unanimous 1800 delegates for 10 days – May 2008 Outlines, Asia Pacific ICCRM, Perth, 2006