Next steps for GNC Strategy Development
Time line for next steps towards development of GNC strategy Action Identify issues, strategies and activities which were raised in the 3 days GNC Review of previous documents, such as the RRT/GNC-CT evaluation report/IASC document/review Formal Evaluation of the Nutrition cluster work Time line/by whom
Time line for next steps towards development of GNC strategy Action Drafting of the strategy, objectives and activities Presentation of the first draft at a face to face meeting Costing of the WP and identification of lead agency for fundraising and implementation Finalization and possible launch in various forums in Geneva Time line/by whom
Wrap Up GNC Strategy and WP Development
General 1. Huge amount of work and progress over the past 1-5 years Streamline working arrangements AAP framework IMO toolkit Transition study Advocacy Frame work Surge Support (Coordination/IMO as well as technical surge) 3. Country presentations really useful
General Cont- 4. Key remaining issues/gaps/challenges Need more documentation and guidance on Preparedness (recognizing that UNICEF is working on something) How to assess wider nutritional need (out of ghetto) Inter-cluster coordination (ensuring nutrition is in other clusters) Links between SUN and NC at country level and how NCCs can get involved Track technical needs from country level KM is a priority moving forward- how do we instutionalise this at the global and national level (leveraging and building on what NCCs are already doing) Opportunity for GNC to write something on AAP for GNR (Jan 2016
Advocacy Finalization of the Advocacy Framework based on comments Further development of actions and leadership in the implementation for specific actions Need for the development of monitoring framework for action to be taken Development of the advocacy tool kit – discussion with IMO/NCCs and country cluster partners Mentoring and support to countries
AAP Discussion with the SAG and other partners on the on the implementation plan Agree on lead agencies to support country implementation Link NCC and cluster partner on the CLA/AAP project and find ways for regular update Systematic update of cluster partners on progress
Knowledge Management Finalization of learning Summary to be published in field Exchange Main document on GNC website Agreement on the need to institutionalize KM global and country Creatives ideas discussed how we could move forward – Issues identification – Further documentation (NCC/IMO and partners) – Interactive Forum – Real Time learning – Need for KM TF? SAG to discuss with relevant bodies
Transition/Work with SUN Share report with the countries in which case studies were conducted (for further distribution) and also with global partners – Country specific reports – Consolidated learning
GNC Role in technical work in support of country clusters Finalize the consultation Consolidate the report with recommendation and submit draft to GNC-SAG for comments Share with GNC partners and NCCs for comments before sign off Formalize a TF to discuss recommendation and final actions to be taken by the GNC on technical issues Draft a SOP to clarify how this structure looks like Incorporate GNC specific issues in support of NCC/IMOs in the GNC strategy and WP Identify issues that need to be taken up by bodies outside GNC and mechanisms for communication
Information Management Finalization of the dev of remaining tool by end Nov 2015 and roll out - Currently – 6 tools are available – 12 tools – close to finalization – 9 tools to be developed IM training package development and roll out Outline of training package drafted Training package dev and roll out pending dev of the 9 tools Toolkit review to be based on the feedback from training and roll out
Inter-Cluster work Review what initiative are there on inter cluster Review the key recommended actions from the meeting Get the support of the CDC seconded person sitting on inter-cluster work based in GCCU Geneva Furthering the work with SUN
Older People Identification of additional methodical issues Capacity for assessment Capacity for implementation How do we organize ourselves better to advocate for the issue How clusters could take this forward
Caseload calculation Overarching issues – Discussion around programme objective – Prioritization – Coverage and programme quality – Impact on programme Questions – Area affecting caseload calculation – What should be addressed in global guidance – How to we organize ourselves better address the issue?
Next steps Finalization of the report Sharing with the SAG and then all partners Agreement on timeline for various time in Roles and responsibilities to move agreed action All meeting documents are uploaded of the GNC website: meeting/ meeting/
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