Glen Davidson, P. Eng. Director Water Management Branch Osoyoos Lake Water Science Forum Oct. 9, 2015 Osoyoos BC DROUGHT 2015: Planning and Response
OUTLINE Causes and current status of the 2015 drought Drought impacts How did the Province and communities plan for and respond to the drought? Preparing for next year
Low snowpack levels in winter of Low spring precipitation High temperatures caused early snowmelt Extremely warm and dry summer What Caused the Drought?
Fish stress and mortalities across southern half of province. Many communities were water stressed, with some close to losing all water supplies Agriculture impacts Hydropower impacts Drought Impacts in 2015
Outlines procedures for setting drought levels Describes roles, responsibilities, communication protocols for agencies. MFLNRO lead agency Establishes working groups that are responsible for drought actions Outlines a series of actions to be undertaken by agencies and local governments at each drought level. BC Drought Response Plan
Role of Province Coordinate provincial interagency preparedness and response Monitor provincial conditions Determine drought levels, stream advisories Implement statutory regulations Provincial communications Support local emergency preparedness and response efforts Role of Local Government Monitor local conditions Manage community water supplies Implement water conservation strategies Communicate with residents, local media Lead for emergency preparedness and response efforts; liaison with province
Activation of BC Drought Response Plan Communications Some regulation of water use under Water Act and Fish Protection Act Closure of many streams to angling under the Fisheries Act Planning for deteriorating conditions Provincial Actions to Date
Provincial Actions in the Okanagan FLNRO developed and activated regional drought plan Implementation of OLRS Monitoring of stream and fish conditions Potential regulation of Similkameen, Kettle/Granby rivers High level of compliance with voluntary water conservation
Activation of local drought response plans Conservative management of water supplies Widespread application and enforcement of water restrictions Active communications with residents Participation in local and provincial drought teams But not all communities were prepared Community Actions in 2015
Going Forward…. Plan for multi – year drought Learn from events of 2015 Clarify roles and responsibilities Increase capacity and resources to respond to drought
Key Messages Expect more droughts like 2015 or worse. Droughts can cause significant impacts on society, the environment, and economy. Governments at all levels will need to ramp up planning and response. Infrastructure makes a difference. Water conservation makes a difference We’re all in this together.
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