What is Geography? The study of all the physical features of the Earth’s surface, including people, their environments, and their resources
Themes of Geography Location: – Absolute: specific location – Long&Lat/address – Relative: Relative location describes a place with respect to its connection to other places. Place: Physical and human Characteristics Interaction between people and the environment – humans adapt to and modify the environment – Humans shape the landscape through their interaction with the land – both positive and negative effects on the environment.
Themes of Geography Movement: – migration – trade – ideas – Diffusion: movement of customs or ideas from one place to another; spread of cultural features – Interdependence: mutual dependence of countries on goods, resources, and knowledge from other parts of the world Region: – unifying characteristics – cultural or geographical characteristics – manageable units
Climate vs. Weather Climate: the pattern of changes in weather over a number of years Weather: the condition of air at any one time
Latitude and Climate Tropics (low latitudes) – Between Tropic of Cancer ( N. Latitude) & Tropic of Capricorn ( S. Latitude) Polar Regions (high latitudes) – arctic circle: North – Antarctic Circle: South Latitude Temperate Zone (middle latitudes) – climate varies
arctic circle: North Antarctic Circle: South Latitude Tropics (low latitudes) Polar Regions Temperate Zone