Five Themes of Geography Why is it important to know where we are? How we interact with each other and the planet? How we move about? (2 Sentences)
Five themes of Geography Location Regions Movement Place Interaction
Location Continent, Country Exact location as Your address 700Sunset Terrace, Amarillo,TX East Yampa Colorado Springs, CO [COS] 38*52’43”N 104*48’54”W Colo Sprgs,CO Lat Lon Longitutde- Long up and down Latitude- Flatitude
Region Area that shares a common feature Countries, States, Cities- political regions Climate and Topography- Rocky Mtns.
Place Things that make an area unique Landforms, climate, plants, animals. People, language, and culture Each has it’s own signature
Movement How do people, goods and ideas move. Ideas move from location to location
Interaction Focuses on relationship between people and environment People moving to an area bring changes to make life easier
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