CONCEPTS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY Topics and Approaches for Integrated Instruction Maggie Legates, Delaware Geographic Alliance, August 2010
Geography has a lot to offer for curriculum planning
points of integration Thinking and Doing Spatial reasoning and organization Language development Modeling and graphic representation of data Observation and evaluation of surroundings Scientific thinking Appreciation of diversity
points of integration Topics and Content Mapping, modeling, graphs, graphics Patterns and relationships Data and data analysis Physical systems Human adaptations and alterations of the environment Biological and cultural diversity Change over time
This morning’s goals: Goal 1 Overview of three physical systems of Earth- mountain building/erosion water cycles atmospheric circulation
Goal 2 Overview of the perspectives and approaches of geography Spatial analysis Environmental perspective Human-related Problem-solving and scientific approach
Goal 3 Share resources and teaching strategies Visual images, graphics, maps Data and databases Teaching ideas and tools Community resources
Goal 4 Challenge and inspire you to make connections, encourage students to learn to know and care for the Earth.
What feature of earth is Most beautiful? Most dangerous? Most awe-inspiring? What makes you think so?