Geography Chapter 2 Please include ALL of the following in your notes!
Bell Work (complete on page17):
5 THEMES OF GEOGRAPHY 5 Themes of Geography
4 DEFINITION OF GEOGRAPHY Pg 18 ge·og·ra·phy 1 : a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface Source-Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary
What Does that Mean??? Geography is the study of the earth and everything on it. 5 themes of Geography Rap
These 5 themes are easy to remember. Just remember; MR.HELP M ovement R egions H uman E nvironment Interaction L ocation P lace 5 themes of Geography Rap
Movement Movement includes the movement of people, things, such as goods, as well as communications (the movement of ideas). Answer: 1) How are people transported in this city? 2) How are ideas transported in this city? (e.g. communication)
Regions Regions are areas that can be grouped together by a set of things special to that region. Regions – Divides Earth into areas for study. Regions can be defined by any number of characteristics including area, language, political divisions, religions, and vegetation (for example, grassland, marshland, desert, rain forest). 1)How would you describe the region you live in?
Human Environment Interaction This is about the relationship between people and their environment, or how they work together It can be divided into 3 parts: 1.How people have been changed by the environment. 1.How the environment has been changed by people. 2.How people depend on the environment. 1) How do people in Orlando adapt to their environment in terms of what they wear and how they build their homes? 2) How do people in this city modify their environment to accommodate them? (e.g. building dams, changing landscapes)
Location Specific location is shown by an address. The address can be any type of address that gives an exact position. It is sometimes called absolute location Here are some examples: - A Street Address: 1, Silly Street, Anywhere Town, Nowhere Place - A Map Address: 15 o 20' North, 20 o 15' West General location is shown by saying where something is in relation to somewhere or something else. It is also known as relative location. Here are some examples: - ten minutes away by train - in front of the bank 1)What is FMS Exact location? (address) 2)What is FMS Relative location 3)from your home?
Place Place is a description of what makes that place different to others. a) Physical differences, or characteristics, include things that occur naturally, such as mountains, rivers, type of soil, wildlife, climate etc. b) Human differences, or characteristics, are things that have changed due to people, such as roads and buildings, how people live and their traditions. Answer: 1) What physical characteristics exist in this city (Orlando) such as plant and animal life? 2)What cultural (human) characteristics are typical of this city?