5 Themes of Geography
GEOGRAPHY Study of people, their environment and resources.
5 Themes of Geography Help us understand what and why things happen Every event happens somewhere Must know WHERE to fully understand WHY
1)Location Where or How do I get there? exact location relative location
2)Place What is it like to live there? physical and human characteristics of the LOCATION
3)Human Environment Interaction How do people relate to the land? how people relate to it, are affected by it and have modified it.
4) Movement Effect on the environment as people, goods and ideas move. Also, how and why people/ideas move
5)Regions areas with specific characteristics, things in common represented with maps sources for history
Rap Review
Check for understanding 1- Transportation and communication is an example of
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Check for understanding 2- Building of dams and interstate highways are examples of
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Check for understanding 3- What is it like to live there?
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Check for understanding 4 - Latitude and Longitude are use with which theme?
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Check for understanding 5 – Place with similar characteristics
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Check for understanding 6 – Continents, hemispheres, world religions are examples of
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Check for understanding 7 – Relocating to a different place for work would represent
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Check for understanding 8 – Somewhere in the United States
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Check for understanding 9 – Buildings, irrigation, shopping, farming, language and or religion
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Check for understanding 10 – Clearing of vegetation to grow crops
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Geography Themes Assignment Homework: Use newspapers, magazines or internet to find an article or picture that is an example of each of the 5 Themes of Geography Location Place Human Environment Interaction Region Movement 1. Paste or tape each example to your pieces of paper. No more than 3 themes on a single page. This will leave room for some writing. In class today: Next to each example, write what theme it represents and 4-5 sentences stating why. Due : At the end of next class period.
“Location” Examples
“Place” Examples
“HEI” Examples
“Movement” Examples
“Region” Examples