Popping PRONOUNS For grades: 1st through + By: Holly J. Blakemore HESHETHEY
Let’s get started! Before we begin….What is a noun? Noun: is a person, place, or thing.
What is a PRONOUN? A pronoun can replace a noun or another pronoun. You use pronouns like "he," "which," "none," and "you" to make your sentences less cumbersome and less repetitive.
For example: Consider the sentence: "John gave the coat to Alice.” All three nouns in the sentence can be replaced by pronouns: After: "He gave it to her”.
Popping PRONOUNS There are many pronouns used. Today we’re going to learn about 3: He She They
Popping PRONOUNS He we use for a boy/man and male animals. She: we use for a girl/woman and female animals They: we use for a group of boy’s & girls or for a group of two people or more
Popping PRONOUNS Let’s Practice: Miss. Holly wears glasses. She wears glasses. Douglas likes playing games. He likes playing games. The class is paying attention. They are paying attention.
Your turn… The man is drinking orange juice. He is drinking orange juice. That man is a paramedic. He is a paramedic.
Let’s try some more! The girl is smiling! She is smiling! The woman is talking. She is talking.
How about these… The girls are about to play softball. They are about to play softball. The boys are playing basketball. They are playing basketball.
Now try some on your own! Good Job!