6 Traits of Writing Things to make your writing more interesting
The 6 traits are: Ideas and Development Organization Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions
Ideas and Development Knowing what to say Focusing on the main point Adding important details Getting rid of the ‘filler’ Identifying the purpose & audience Creative, fresh, insightful
Organization Putting things in order Beginning with a good lead Ending with a satisfying conclusion Linking ideas together smoothly
Little Women quote
Voice Putting yourself in your writing Thinking of your audience Liking your topic – letting is show Matching voice to purpose Personality
Mr. Porter We still need 2 people to cover the softball game today as well as 2 for tomorrows softball game. Think of all the things you can do with $ That’s like 13 Red Box rentals. You could watch all 4 Twilight movies, the 6 Starwars, and your choice of Harry Potter movies. NOW who’s interested?
Mr. Brown Just in case you have noticed our softball girls walking through the halls in those awesome Orion Titan shirts and found yourself wondering “By golly, I wish I could get one of those shirts,” guess what? You can!!! From Thelma!!! In the office!!! For $15 you can look uber-awesome at sporting events! Sizes are limited, so be quick and get yours today!
Word Choice Painting word pictures Finding the right words Avoiding fluff (nice, special, good) Favoring strong verbs Stout vocabulary
Hatchet Page 40
Sentence Fluency Clarity, it has to make sense Varying sentence length Differing sentence beginnings A rhythmic flow Easy to read aloud Do it!
The Dark is Rising
Conventions Correct spelling Correct grammar and usage Punctuation; paragraph indentation A pleasing layout Neatness