1 Chang-Hwan Spin of Stellar Mass Black Holes: Hypernova and BH Spin Correlation in Soft X-ray BH Binaries
2 Compact Stars White Dwarf [M < 1.4 Msun; R=1000 km] Neutron Star [M < 3 Msun; R < 15 km] Black Holes Density of Neutron Star 1 cm 3 All buildings in Busan
3 Theoretical Black Holes ? Sun : r = 3 km Earch : r = 9 mm Total Nonsense !? Einstein’s General Relativity Light cannot escape !
4 Observed (visible) Black Holes Center of galaxies [ Msun] Black Hole Binaries (Soft X-ray Transients )
5 Discovery of blackhole binaries Discovery of X-ray Binaries Mass accretion from a companion star to a compact object X-rays
6 Sources of Strong X-ray in the Universe Neutron Stars [M < 3 M Sun ; R <15 km] Black Holes … … X-ray emission by accretion
7 Now we believe that black holes exist ! X-ray Observations (2002 Nobel Prize) First Observation 1962 First X-ray Satellite Uhuru (Dec. 1970).. Current Missions Chandra (NASA) XMM-Newton (Europe) Future Xeus (ESA), …… Chandra (NASA)
8 BH at the Center of a galaxy (M87) Jet= light year
9 Number of X-ray Sources 1,000 50, s 1990s
10 What is a black hole in real observation ? Souce of strong X-ray emission X-ray emission region is very small No stable star exists with given mass & size We call it a Black Hole ! Beyond Neutron Star 5-10 Msun
11 Black Hole Binaries in our Galaxy XTE J Galactic Disk Soft X-ray Transients
12 Oscillating Brightness (GRO J ) X-ray & Optical Telescopes
13 Nova Sco 94 NOMgSiSTiFe [Xi/H] error [Xi/H]: logarithmic abundances relative to solar Israelial et al. 1999, Nature m=2M sun ; M BH =6M sun It’s impossible for normal stars! Where did they come from?
14 Abundances in the secondary of Nova Sco Hypernova to explain the observations. NOMgSiSTiFe [Xi/H] error They had to come from black hole progenitor when it exploded.
15 System velocity (-106 km/s) : Abrupt Mass Loss by Explosion Another evidence ? C.M. Mg,Si,S,…
16 Hypernova Explosions from Rotating BH Spinning BH (QPOs) High Black Hole Mass ( > 5 Msun) --- Maximum Neutron Star Mass < 2 Msun
17 Related Issues to be clarified Neutrinos from hypernova Nucleosynthesis from hypernova Evidences of asymmetric explosions Connection to GRBs …
18 Hypernovae in BH X-ray Binaries We have seen it twice. So, does it happen everywhere ? Nova Sco, V4641 Sgr
19 Q) How can we understand the population of SXTs ? Orbital period (days) M BH (Msun) Evolved companion MS companion
20 before BH after BH Goal : At the time BH Formation Evolution of Donor Star Evolution of BH Progenitor Current Observation Progenitors
21 High Mass Black Hole progenitor (20-40 Msolar) Bigger star evolves fast ! High Mass Black Hole is formed when the separation is large (Case C; meet at supergiant stage) NS/LMBH is formed when the separation is relatively small (Case A, B; meet at/before red giant stage) before BH
22 Fe core mass Neutron Star In Close Binaries before BH
23 A Case C HMBH NS/LMBH Case B before BH
24 HMBH Formation in Case C NS LMBH HMBH Current (108 Rsun) Phase II before BH
25 Formation of Stellar Mass Black Holes Assumption Case C Mass Transfer (in supergiant stage of BH progenitor) If BH formation through Case B (in giant stage) is possible, contrary to the observation, we should see about 10 times more BHs in our Galaxy. before BH
26 Rapidly Rotating Black Holes Assumption: Synchronization of BH-Progenitor Spin & Binary Orbital Period Rapidly rotating BH with large Kerr parameter (even close to 1) SXTs with short orbital periods Possible sources of Hypernovae/GRB At the time of BH Formation
27 Kerr Black Holes Marginally stable orbit Marginally bound orbit Inner disk can extend to R Sch for a=1
28 Preexplosion orbital period (days) Kerr parameter (Lee et al. 2002) At the time of BH Formation
29 Line Profile Doppler effect + Gravitational Redshifts BH Spin Observation Indication of BH spin
30 Preexplosion orbital period (days) Kerr parameter At the time of BH Formation 4U GRO J Shafee et al. (2006)
31 HN/GRB Reconstructed BH Binaries at Birth BH Spin – 10000/sec At the time BH Formation
32 Gamma Ray Bursts from Black Hole Systems Energy > ergs R init = O(100 km) M < 30 Msun dT = ms – min … … Energy in Hypernovae = Energy in GRBs BH Binaries -> Long-duration GRBs (> 2 sec) Most likely BHs ! BH Binary is natural source of rapidly rotating black hole At the time BH Formation
33 Shrink Expand after BH AML: Angular Mom Loss Nu: Nuclear Burning Evolved Companion MS companion I: Hubble Time II: Main Sequence III: Oveflow at t=0
34 Current Observation after BH
35 10 M sun 15 M sun Q) How to Evolve ? OK ? after BH
36 Preexplosion orbital period (days) Kerr parameter 4U GRO J GRS P=33 days a* > 0.98 McClintock et al. (2006) after BH
37 Q) How to form BHs in Msun ? problem 1: It ’ s hard to form BH with masses > 10 Msun from stellar evolution. problem 2: The current separation is too large. Problem 3: Observed Kerr parameter is too big. easiest solution: Accrete extra mass after BH formation after BH
38 ? after BH
39 Conservative Mass Transfer days GRS V4641 Sgr Data: 33.5 days Consistent within error range after BH
40 10 M sun 15 M sun V4641 Sgr M sun M sun P=3 day 14 M sun + 2 M sun P=33 days Beauty of Simple Physical Laws ! after BH
41 Spin-up due to accretion GRS a* > 0.98 McClintock et al. (2006) after BH
42 Preexplosion orbital period (days) Kerr parameter 4U GRO J GRS P=33 days a* > 0.98 after BH
43 Pre-Explosion Properties V4641 & 1915 At the time BH Formation
44 HN/GRB Reconstructed BH Binaries at Birth BH Spin – 10000/sec At the time BH Formation
45 Conclusions Soft X-ray BH binaries Formation and evolution : - only “Case C mass transfer” can explain HMBH in binaries. Spin of stellar-mass BHs : - tidal (BH progenitor spin-orbit) interaction is consistent with the current BH spin observation Long-time scale GRBs and Hypernovae : - Short orbital period ( P<0.5 day) HMBH binaries are the sources of long-duration GRBs and Hypernovae
46 Gamma-Ray Burst Duration: milli sec - min 1970s : Vela Satellite 1990s: CGRO, Beppo- SAX 2000s: HETE-II, Swift Motivations
47 Motivations
48 Galactic ? Motivations
49 Motivations
50 Gamma-Ray Bursts are the brightest events in the Universe. During their peak, they emit more energy than all the stars and galaxies in the Universe combined ! Motivations
51 Two groups of GRBs Short Hard Gamma-ray Bursts: Duration time < 2 sec NS-NS, NS-LMBH mergers Long-duration Gamma-ray Bursts: from spinning HMBH HMBH (High-mass black hole) 5-10 solar mass Motivations
52 Science 308 (2005) 939 Short-Hard Gamma-ray Burst : Colliding NS binaries Very Important for Gravitational Waves, too Motivations
53 Long-duration GRBs: Afterglow Host Galaxy Association = Distance Estimation Motivations
54 GRB/Supernova Association Afterglow GRB SN1998bw GRB030329/Supernova Association (z=0.2: closest GRB/Afterglow) Top 10 Scientific Achievement in 2003 [New York Times] Nature 423 (2003), 843, 844, 847 Motivations
55 What caused GRB/Supernova ? Most-likely Black Holes Callapsar: Asymmetric Explosion of a Massive Star Most-likely Rapid-Rotation Motivations
56 How to form rapidly spinning black holes? Most likely in binaries (Soft X-ray Transients) Motivations Companion star can keep the BH progenitor rotating Formation of rapidly rotating stellar mass BHs