STARS By Luca L’Eveille
Introduction Stars are balls of gas mainly hydrogen and helium. Many stars are made up of the same elements on Earth even though they are different size, temperature and age. Stars are balls of gas mainly hydrogen and helium. Many stars are made up of the same elements on Earth even though they are different size, temperature and age.
Stars are born out of clouds of gas and dust. As the star reaches middle age it shines steadily, powered by the hydrogen in the centre of the star. All stars no matter what size all run out of hydrogen and begin to die. Small stars live up to 200 billion years, medium stars live up to 10 billion years and large 10 million years. Our sun is medium sized, and has 5 billion years left to live. Birth and age
LLLL aaaa rrrr gggg eeee ssss tttt stars In order to know the largest star astronomers would have to go through all the stars in the universe. Astronomers have not come close to that. The largest star known is the pistol star. There are over 100 billion stars in our galaxy, and about as many galaxy's in the observable universe. In order to know the largest star astronomers would have to go through all the stars in the universe. Astronomers have not come close to that. The largest star known is the pistol star. There are over 100 billion stars in our galaxy, and about as many galaxy's in the observable universe.
The Sun We could not live without the Sun, It provides us warmth, if we didn’t have the sun on Earth it we would be -237C. The Sun provides us energy for plants, food, light at day and night and gravity for earths orbit. Without the sun earth wouldn’t exist since the earth is formed from the same materials.
Supernovas Within the remain of a super nova is a collapsed core named a neutron star it has the mass as our sun although much smaller. Some Neutron stars rotate rapidly and are called quasars.
SSSS tttt aaaa rrrr ssss The brightest stars in the sky aren't really stars but planets, Jupiter, Venus and Mars. About 2000 stars can be seen in the night sky. Stars twinkle because of the shimmering of heat in the earth Atmostsphere. Some stars are trillions of kilometre away and there light take thousands of years to reach us
Bibliography 7 h h tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// nnnn ffff oooo.... eeee dddd uuuu //// aaaa ssss tttt rrrr oooo //// ssss uuuu nnnn.... hhhh tttt mmmm h tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// wwww wwww wwww.... gggg iiii aaaa nnnn tttt ssss tttt aaaa rrrr ssss.... dddd eeee //// h hh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// eeee nnnn.... wwww iiii kkkk iiii pppp eeee dddd iiii aaaa.... oooo rrrr gggg //// wwww iiii kkkk iiii //// SSSS tttt aaaa rrrr h tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// aaaa ssss kkkk.... yyyy aaaa hhhh oooo oooo.... cccc oooo mmmm //// hhhh tttt mmmm h tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// iiii mmmm aaaa gggg iiii nnnn eeee.... gggg ssss ffff cccc.... nnnn aaaa ssss aaaa.... gggg oooo vvvv //// dddd oooo cccc ssss //// ssss cccc iiii eeee nnnn cccc eeee //// kkkk nnnn oooo wwww ____ llll 1111 //// ssss uuuu pppp eeee rrrr nnnn oooo vvvv aaaa eeee.... hhhh tttt mmmm llll h tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// aaaa nnnn ssss wwww eeee rrrr ssss.... yyyy aaaa hhhh oooo oooo.... cccc oooo mmmm //// qqqq uuuu eeee ssss tttt iiii oooo nnnn //// iiii nnnn dddd eeee xxxx ???? qqqq iiii dddd ==== AAAA AAAA GGGG xxxx OOOO 9999 mmmm
Thank you for watching my slide show about stars I hope you enjoyed it.