Documenting Assistive Technology in the IEP Georgia Department of Education Division for Special Education Supports Georgia Project for Assistive Technology 1870 Twin Towers East Atlanta, Georgia 30334
Documentation: Guiding Principles Assistive technology devices and services that are determined educationally necessary by the student’s IEP team should be clearly documented in the IEP. It is not necessary to name brands of equipment, rather features of technology solutions should be described. Assistive technology may be documented in one or more components of the IEP. Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance Examples: John exhibits a severe expressive communication impairment. He communicates with peers and adults within his environment using vocalizations and a voice output augmentative communication device. He will have access to the device in all school settings as appropriate. Susan is not able to see standard print instructional materials. She requires that all print copies be enlarged through the use of a photocopier or closed circuit television system. Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
Consideration of Special Factors Minimal compliance is checking yes or no on the consideration of assistive technology special factor and describing if yes is checked Best Practice Examples: An analysis of all tasks and activities indicates that Karen can complete the tasks independently. No assistive technology is required. Paula needs access to adaptive seating and positioning equipment (prone stander, wedge) in her classes in order to benefit from her educational program. Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
Special Education and Related Services Assistive technology is generally addressed within other sections of the IEP including Present Performance Levels, Consideration of Special Factors, Goals and Benchmarks, Minutes of the IEP Meeting Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
Supplemental Aids and Services Examples Kendra will use a portable word processor to complete writing assignments in her general education classes. Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
Classroom Instructional Accommodations Examples: Grade level reading materials for all content areas will be provided in digital text. Henry will use a computer-based text reader with speech output and highlighting when reading his instructional materials. Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
Accommodations for Classroom Assessments Examples: Johnny will use his portable word processor when completing all multi-sentence writing assessments. Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
Accommodations for State-wide Assessments Examples: Mavis requires the use of her auditory trainer when directions are provided during administration of state/district-wide assessments. Marcus requires the use of word processing program when taking tests that require over one paragraph of written communication. (Refer to Georgia student Assessment Handbook) Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
Supports for System Personnel Examples: Paul’s teachers will receive training in the use and programming of his augmentative communication device. Kelly’s special education and general education teachers will be provided with follow-up training and technical assistance as needed to aid them in integrating the use of her assistive technology devices (spell checker, word processor) into her school curriculum. Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
Annual Goals Examples: The student will demonstrate comprehension of grade level text (presented in standard print and digital format using a text reader) by composing oral or written responses to teacher questions for 4 out of 5 times for three consecutive weeks. Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
Short-term Objectives Examples: Susie will express basic wants and needs in 80% of the opportunities over a 4 consecutive week period using single word utterances and a voice output augmentative communication system. John will compose a three or more sentence paragraph 4 out of 5 times with less than 2 spelling errors when using a hand-held spellchecker. Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
Transition Services Plan Examples: Colin’s school staff, vocational rehabilitation counselor, and family will contact public and private agencies to assist him in obtaining funding for a communication device that can be used after he graduates from school. They will begin contacting agencies at the beginning of his senior year. The vocational rehabilitation counselor will identify potential sources to technical support that will be available to Colin after he graduates. Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
Georgia Department of Education Phone: 404-463-3597 Fax: 404-651-6457 Website: Georgia Department of Education Division for Special Education Supports Georgia Project for Assistive Technology 1870 Twin Towers East Atlanta, Georgia 30334