Vocal Music New Student Auditions Mandatory Information Meeting, Thursday December 3, 2015
Introductions Faculty Parent Audition Coordinators Students
Website Information DSA Home page This page is the best source of general audition information and application information. Click on “admissions” tab. DSA Vocal Music page This page is the best source of information about the specific audition.
Application Process Step 1: Online Application (Nov. 20) Step 2: Mandatory meeting (Dec. 3) Step 3: School of Choice Process (Jan 5 – 29, 2016) Step 4: Audition (January 5, 9 or 12, 2016)
Audition Process Audition Process Registration: Plan to arrive 30 minutes before scheduled time in the vocal music corridor on the lower level On audition days, Ms. Dorothy Hurst will be in the counseling office to guide you on school of choice forms Group Vocalization Introductions Solo: Sing one minute of the best part of your song America, The Beautiful alone and with others Tonality: Major scale and major triad Rhythmic and melodic reading Written portion: Music Theory Test
Song Criteria IntroductionIntonation Tone Quality & Vocal Technique Diction Stage Presence ProjectionPreparation Overall Impression Professionalism
Tonality: Major Scale/Triad Choose your starting pitch Use solfége or numbers Scale: Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Ti-Do (breath) Do-Ti-La-Sol-Fa-Mi-Re-Do or (breath) Start and end on the same pitch Sing slowly and stay in tune Major triad do-mi-so-mi-do
6 th & 7 th Rhythm
6 th & 7 th grade Melodic Sight Reading Example 1
6 th & 7 th grade Melodic Sight Reading Example 2
8 th & 9 th grade Melodic Sight-Reading Example 1
8 th & 9 th Grade Melodic Reading Example 2
9 th through 12 th grade Rhythm Examples Exercises #1-4
10 th through 12 th grade Melodic Reading
Music Theory Test Defining or identifying musical terms and symbols Note names in both treble and bass clefs Time Signatures Key Signatures
Bring to Audition Paperwork: Two sealed recommendation forms (website) DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM 8” X 10” Head Shot (1 copy) Vocal Repertoire List (In-coming10-12 th grades only) Piano music for your solo song Musicnotes.com m
Audition Time Scheduling Before you leave tonight, please stop by the table in the hallway to pick up your AUDITION CONFIRMATION CARD Please write down your day and time on your home or personal calendar Due to the high volume of applicants, we cannot accommodate changes in days or times. If an emergency arises, contact Richard Raedeke
Audition Arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled time. You may need to wait, so please bring a book. You may need to wait, so please bring a book. If you need to cancel your audition, please contact Richard Raedeke Results will be ed by January 26, hard copy mailed by February 8.
Things to know if you are accepted DSA contract After school commitments Retreats Weekend rehearsals Off-site performances 4-8 regularly scheduled evening performances a year Mandatory travel
Fees Fees at DSA: Arts fee: $100 per year per student Voice lesson fees (Required in HS) $750-$1,500 a year Outfit fees: $25-$100 Travel-Local, Regional, National, International 2018 $1,500-$2, 200 every other year Retreat fees (HS) $100 per year Concert Admission $15-$25 per concert Tickets must be purchased to all performances at DSA Fundraising opportunities available
IEP/504 If you are on a 504 or IEP and you believe there are accommodations needed for the audition, the main office needs a hard copy of the document in the DSA Main Office to the attention of Aspen Miles, Assistant Principal
School of Choice Information The Choice Window is January 4 – January 29 at 4 pm. During this time you must rank your DPS schools in the order you’d like to attend. For current DPS parents, the link to this process will appear online on January 4. For non- DPS families, you will need to create a DPS ID in order to rank your schools. The information about 16/17 Choice Round One will appear on the Choice Website on January 4, 2016: DSA’s registrar, Dorothy Hurst, will be at DSA during all audition dates. She will be in the Counseling Office which can be accessed through our cafeteria. She can help any family navigate the Choice Process. You may also call her at
Audition Confirmation If you are on our list because you have completed the on-line application, you should leave with an AUDITION CONFIRMATION CARD with your audition day and time If you are not on our list, please leave the following information with Richard Raedeke (parent audition coordinator): student name, student grade level, parent name and We will research the problem and have an administrator contact you later. If you have your CONFIRMATION RECEIPT, please leave with Mr. Raedeke so that we can confirm your online application We will research the problem and have an administrator contact you later. If you have your CONFIRMATION RECEIPT, please leave with Mr. Raedeke so that we can confirm your online application