Getting Connected Parents as Partners
Transitioning 1. Notify 1. Notify the nurse/counselor of specific needs 2. Start 2. Start the school routine early - At least two weeks before school starts, begin the transition toward a school-friendly family schedule. The time from getting up to eating a healthy breakfast and dressing independently with minimal distraction should be gradually shortened so that mornings at home before leaving for school will be pleasant and positive. This will build self-esteem and help your child have the confidence to succeed in school. 3. Talk 3. Talk about the transition to your child in a positive way
Transitioning 1. Tell 1. Tell your child how you felt when you had to go to kindergarten—and what made you feel better and how it turned out okay (that is if you can remember!) 2. Remind 2. Remind your child “It’s okay to be afraid. But, you’ll feel better each day that you’re there. Lots of kids feel just like you do.” It can be tempting to try to brush off a child’s fear (after all, you know it will be okay). Instead try to acknowledge your child’s fear as real and appropriate while offering reassurance. 3. Give 3. Give your child time to talk to you about their fears.
Book Suggestions Read books together about starting school. You can ask your local librarian for suggestions or try some of these: Look out Kindergarten, Here I Come! by Nancy Carlson Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten, written by Joseph Slate and illustrated by Ashley Wolff Kindergarten, Joseph Slate (Illustrated by Ashley Wolff) Seven Little Mice Go to School, Kazuo Iwamura Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes, Eric Litwin (Illustrated by James Dean) Mom, It’s My First Day of Kindergarten, Hyewon Yum Yoko Learns to Read, Rosemary Wells I Am Too Absolutely Small for School (Charlie and Lola), by Lauren Child.
The First Basic Skills: The Four C’s 1. Confidence 2. Cooperation 3. Curiosity 4. Communication
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