Company Profile M/s. ASIAN ELECTRONICS LIMITED ENERGY SAVING Established in 1964 Listed Public Limited Company Core Competence : – ESCO & DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT Financial data: Turn Over : Rs.1780 Million Net Worth : Rs.1036 Million Paid Up Capital : Rs.85 Million
Projects worth Rs. 30 Crores executed. ENERGY SAVING Asian as an Energy Service Co - ESCo Projects worth Rs. 30 Crores executed. Reduction in Demand over 12 MW approx. Energy saving of 30 Mn. units (Kwh) / yr. Cash Savings of Rs. 90 million / year Projects worth Rs. 80 Crores under implementation
Experience details ENERGY SAVING Streetlight Projects – under Implementation Pune Municipal Corporation. Moga Municipal Corporation. Hubli – Dharwad Municipal Corporation. Ajmer Municipal Council Belgaum Municipal Corporation Hissar Municipal Council Panchkula Municipal Council
Highlights of Energy Saving Streetlight Projects - Implemented 60 1700 207 4880000 821 Amritsar [Phase I] 5. 61 1126 101 3376847 486 Latur 4. 6210 651 733 2000 Reduction In Demand ( KW ) 3. 2. 1. Sl. # 700 21140086 2452 TOTAL 58 59 1955330 520 Akola 38 86 2828036 164 Ujjain 36 247 8099813 461 Indore % Saving Achieved Energy Saving ( In Rs. Lakhs ) Energy Saving ( Kwh / Year ) Project Cost ( in Rs. Lakhs ) Project
Energy Saving ( kWh / Year ) Highlights of Energy Saving Streetlight Projects - under Implementation 4950 1914 536 2500 Reduction In Demand ( kW ) 3. 2. 1. Sl. # 581 18452228 3153 TOTAL 50 238 7687326 1430 Hubli – Dharwar 55 68 1604902 273 Moga 275 9160000 1450 Pune % Saving Achieved Energy Saving ( In Rs. Lakhs ) Energy Saving ( kWh / Year ) Project Cost ( in Rs. Lakhs ) Project
Highlights of Energy Saving Building Projects - Implemented 741 175 216 62 288 Reduction In Demand ( kW ) 4. 3. 2. 1. Sl. # 83 1467352 347 TOTAL 54 18 364128 64 DDA – Vikas Sadan 19 373763 81 DDA – Vikas Minar 36 8 129227 20 PMO 33 38 600234 182 SSB & TB % Saving Achieved Energy Saving ( In Rs. Lakhs ) Energy Saving ( kWh / Year ) Project Cost ( in Rs. Lakhs ) Project
BARRIERS ENERGY SAVING E.M.Ds & Security Deposits Long lead time from tendering to payment commencement. Commercial Issues I.e. theft & damage. Payment Security Scant respect for agreement terms by official & political system. Establishing the baseline.
BASELINE. ENERGY SAVING Historical Energy bill datas. Operating parameters for services. Delivery of services.
HISTORICAL ENERGY BILL DATAS ENERGY SAVING HISTORICAL ENERGY BILL DATAS Non Functioning of Meters Very low density of Installed Meters. Average billing by SEBs Billing basis - Hrs/day - Days/year - Lamp wattage basis - Ballast losses not considered (losses 20% to 30%) 70-80% burning of lamps Energy billing – 50-60% No proper records of historical datas available with MC Strong resistance in giving the required datas.
OPERATING PARAMETERS FOR STREETLIGHTS ENERGY SAVING OPERATING PARAMETERS FOR STREETLIGHTS Except for Street lighting, operating parameters have variations (with pumping etc.) Proper records are hardly available.
DELIVERY OF SERVICES ENERGY SAVING Desire is in improvement of service quality (Lux level / water flow etc.) O&M of systems other than EEMS.
ENERGY SAVING Tariff variation from Rs. 2.40 to Rs.5 per Unit Lower tariff especially in ULBs, results in higher Pay back Period. Customer’s Financial outflow may be higher after implementation of EE Project. CONCERN on saving money not MW.
ENERGY SAVING Some customer accepted “ RETROFIT ISOLATION MEASUREMENT” vs whole metering.
BASELINE ENERGY SAVING We can’t change records / history. Need for awareness campaign Suggested M&V methodology “RETROFIT ISOLATION MEASUREMENT”