Origins of WWII Rise of Hitler In the 1930’s German dictator Adolf Hitler stirs up nationalism in Germany, rearms Germany even though the Treaty of Versailles (ending WWI) banned military activities in this region the League of Nations did nothing in response 2 years later Hitler demands the Sudetenland a German speaking region of Czechoslovakia be turned over to Germany. Many in Europe fear that Hitler is pushing Europe toward war at this point. Great Depression in the U.S. led to a world wide depression and the effects of WWI left the German economy in shatters.
France and Britain distrusted Hitler yet they had already agrees on a policy of appeasement – yielding to an enemies demands in order to maintain peace. Chamberlain (Britain) and Hitler work out details of Munich Pact 1938 along with France and Germany giving Germany the Sudetenland over Czechoslovakia’s objections.
Rome-Berlin Axis In 1935 Italy invaded Ethiopia, Mussolini hoped to recreate the Roman Empire. Hitler approves of this move and the two nations form an alliance in 1936 called the Rome-Berlin Axis. Spanish Civil War – Franco and nationalists fight to overthrow democratically elected government – Hitler and Mussolini back Franco with supplies, weapons and troops. Hitler forms an alliance with Austria and Germany troops occupy it in In March 1939 – Hitler breaks the Munich pact and invades Czechoslovakia. France and Britain finally draw a line in the sand and declare that if Hitler invades any more countries then they will declare war. Non-aggression treaty signed with Stalin to keep him out of the coming war.
Poland Invaded Sept. 1, 1939 German army marched east into Poland. Two days later France and Britain, the Allied powers, declare war on Germany. WWII had begun. Blitzkrieg – lightning war- launched attacks from the air with no warning on strategic sites to help prevent Polish mobilization. Flank, surround, destroy. Sept. 17 th Soviet troops invade from the East and the two countries control Poland.
Hitler turns his attention to the West April 1940 launches a surprise attack on Denmark and Norway May 10 th using blitzkrieg tactics German forces burst through Luxemburg and southern Belgium in just 4 days. France and Paris fell to the Germans, France surrenders to Germany on June 22 nd Vichy government – puppet government
Britain Stands Alone Now led by Winston Churchill "We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air. We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing-grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" —House of Commons, 4 June 1940, following the evacuation of British and French armies from Dunkirkas the German tide swept through France. Blitzkrieg attacks on Britain throughout 1940