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Search Databases (for Journal & Newspapers Articles) Nikkei telecom21 Kikuzo II (Asahi Shinbun) Factiva Citation information Citation information by Nii (CiNii) Hands-on Session Demo
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CiNii (Citation information by Nii) via:
“Nikkei Telecom 21” is one of the largest business information services in Japan, which provides news, newspaper & magazine articles and company information online. It extensively stores basic company & personnel information as well as articles in 4 Nikkei Papers and also covers a string of flash news. It is packed with information essential in a business setting, from real-time news to past newspaper articles.
日経各紙 日本経済新聞朝刊 日本経済新聞夕刊 日経産業新聞 日経MJ(流通新聞) 日経金融新聞 日経地方経済面 日経プラスワン日経マガジン 日経速報ニュース プレスリリース 日経NEEDS統計 データ 日経 POS 情報・売れ 筋商品ランキング 日経 WHO'S WHO データベース 日経会社プロフィ
Only 1 user can use Nikkei Telecom21 concurrently. If your see the message, means the database is in use, you may try again later. “ すでに一人ログインしています。既存のユーザーを破棄して, 再ログインしますか? ”
“Asahi Shinbun” full-text database – [Kikuzo II] (overseas version) (1) Asahi Shimbun (1945~1984) page image database. (2) Asahi Shimbun 1985~ (full-text), includes local edition of Asahi Shinbun 1998~ (3) Weekly AERA (full-text) : from 1st issue, May 1998~) (4) Weekly Shukan Asahi (full-text) : from 2000 April~) (5) Chiezo : the Asahi encyclopaedia of current terms (latest edition)
Notes: Only allow one concurrent login
Factiva provides full-text from nearly 8,000 sources from newswires, newspapers, magazines, trade journals in 22 languages. It also has company information of listed companies
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You can use Boolean Searching in most databases to make your searches more effective. If you need any help using Boolean Searching in a databases, check that database’s help screen.
CiNii (Scholarly and Academic Information Navigator, pronounced like "sigh-knee") is a database service that enables searching of information on academic articles published in academic society journals or university research bulletins, or articles included in the National Diet Library's Japanese Periodicals Index Database.
Notes Search article by keywords 子供 子ども こども コドモ 障害 障碍 障がい 駐屯 駐とん 情報 インフォメーシオン 携帯 ケータイ ダイヤモンド ダイアモント
Search article by author 渡辺 渡邊 浜下 濱下 宮沢 宮澤
Search article by author X Wada Jun X わだじゅん X ワダジュン X 和田 純 X 和田, 純 O 和田純
Search for a particular author/title Author: / 和田純 / Title: / シンガポール大学 /
Document Delivery Services (DDS) Journal articles, book chapters, conference Papers Request via E-Forms (Library Portal) All requests must be approved by Supervisor
1. Articles on Japanese language education in Singapore (Full-text only) 2. Articles written by 濱下武志 (Hamashita Takeshi)
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