Transversity Readiness and Timeline Xiaodong Jiang, March 17th, This document specifies the overall readiness for Hall A experiments E06-010/E at each stages to serve as a guideline for works from now till Oct. 6th, Physics production starts (Oct 20). Commissioning (Oct 10-Oct.19). Pre-beam ready (Oct weeks from today). Installation (June 9 -Oct weeks). Pre-installation ready (June 9). BigBite detector test run (late May). Installation for test run+lowQ-ep (May 9-May16). A checklist during π 0 experiment (April 7th-May 7th). Remaining work during π 0 installation (April 6th). Work in the test lab: Cherenkov+BB frame modification (March 24-May 3. 6 weeks left). Work in the target lab (10 weeks left before June 9).
For each sub-system, please address the following: A working system ready by Oct. 6th ? Specify performance (# of p.e. etc.) ? Special need of Hall A technical support. Special safety issues need to be reviewed. A list of minimum tests and a timeline. Any long lead items need to be ordered ? Have spare parts in hand ? On-site manpower. Experts during the run. What if the next deadline is missed ?
Pre-beam Readiness Beamline. Polarized 3 He target and spin-flip. BigBite and shielding. HRS detectors. Trigger and DAQ, coin TOF, scalers. Slow controls. On-line monitoring and replay software. Manpower, RC, shift workers and expert list. Documentations and instructions.
Pre-beam Readiness: Beamline Beam GeV ? ARC energy measurement ready. MCC has automatic procedures for beam current ramp-ups. Compton ready, manpower to run Compton. Beam raster checked. Beam charge monitors calibrated during earlier runs. Moller ready for one-, two- and five-pass beam. BPMs ready, harps checked. OTR (?). Beamline serveyed relative to target cell. Near target shielding pieces in place. Downstream correction coils (hor. and vert.) and controls working. Beam dump viewer checked. Beamloss/Ion-chamber limits set. Happex luminosity monitors working, data in DAQ. Happex beam charge feedback working. Beam helicity in DAQ, scalers checked during earlier runs.
Pre-beam Readiness: pol. 3 He target Target polarization, min. 40%. Spin-flip in automatic mode, signal in DAQ. 10 production cells ready. NMR, EPR working. Water calibrations done. Reference cell ready for 3 He, N 2, H 2 gas. Laser optics ready for Long/Tran/Vert. Target ladder, cell positions aligned. Operation procedures and safety documents. Target operators trained.
Pre-beam: BigBite ch1+ch2+ch3 aligned. Readout ready. Spare preAmp cards tested. Gas Cherenkov beam checked, >8 pe (?) pre-Sh+Sh trigger set. Scin. timing offsets checked. HV, low-V in EPICS data. Remote set/reset. Online display. Shielding pieces in place. Magnet control ready. Read I&B into data. Spare parts in hand. Power, PMT bases etc.
Pre-beam: HRS-L Detectors S2M. Coin. TOF+software. A1. Short Gas Cherenkov. RICH detector and software. Commissioning plan. A list of standard online monitoring plots. A list of experts.
Installation (June 9-Oct. 6) BigBite and shielding HRS detectors Target Beamline Trigger. Coin TOF. DAQ. Controls. Test runs as early as possible. Documentations.
Pre-installation ready (June 6) Hall A floor and cable routes layout. DAQ platform shielding pieces. Downstream side shielding pieces for BigBite. BigBite detector shielding hut. Shielding pieces for BigBite front-end electronics. BigBite platform modifications. Safety procedures and reviews.
Transversity test run+LowQ-ep (late May) Cher.+Ch3+Scin.+presh+shower. Detector/cable map. Debug all channels. First round of pre-sh+sh calibration. Front-end trigger, threshold control. Coin. TOF in e+p, BB+HRS+beam timing. DAQ, scalers and beam helicity sorted. A fake target spin-flip signal into DAQ. Read Lumis into DAQ (?) EPICS data stream, voltage controls. Online software.
Installation plan for May test run Doug Ed+Jack.
A checklist before May test run At the end of the meeting.
A Checklist before π 0 (April 7) BigBite fits to 30 o, 1.5m drift with the magnetic shielding piece (?) Identify all major hardware interferences for transversity (done ?) Cable layout. Delay+signal+HV cables ready. Spare cables in place. Beam helicity+sorted scalers for BB. Front-end electronics in the hall. BB detector shielding blocks in the hall.
Work in the test lab (March 24 – May 3) Remove ch3. Fix broken wire. Modification of the detector frame. Gas Cherenkov mirror aligned, assembled, cosmic-ray checked. Ch3 back into the frame. Short cables+read out cards checked. Gas Cherenkov box leak-tight, mounted into the new frame, gas system ready.
Work in the target lab (before June-9). !!! Work list details (J.-P.) !!! Followed by installation schedule. A list of minimum tests.
Logistic supports for transversity JLab documents (RSAD, ESAD, safety). A Wiki page for most technical details. Online instructions, shift howto. Run coordinators, shift sign-up. Shift worker training documents. Shift checklist, run sheet. Scripts for good runs, beam charge, #-evt.