Surveys of Instructional Practice Training for Planning and Administration Teacher Keys Effectiveness System
GaDOE TLE Electronic Platform
How are Surveys of Instructional Practice administered and monitored at the district and school level?
The Survey Protocol Survey Protocols for both TKES and LKES are on the User Guide tab – review carefully You must have the Administration tab to create accounts for the student surveys 2 windows for student surveys – managing accounts and administering: November 2nd - November 13th, 2015, January 25th - February 5th, 2016
User Guides
User Guides
Survey Protocol Updates Each school principal must appoint a Survey Administrator. The Survey Administrator must at all times supervise the survey administration. Surveys may be administered by anyone the Principal deems appropriate. The Platform will generate survey accounts for all surveyed teachers. Individual teacher accounts can also be created. 100 accounts will be generated and are editable. Surveys can be accessed on the Log In page.
Survey Log In Survey Log In
Survey Log In
Survey Log In Survey Key from printouts will go in Survey Key box The 16 digit passcode from printout will go into passcode box. Survey Key will be the same for the teacher being surveyed.
Survey Protocol Updates All instances of survey irregularities must be reported to the Principal immediately. All students in 3rd-5th grades will have the surveys read aloud. All appropriate accommodations need to be made for students with disabilities and English Language Learners.
Student Surveys
Survey Protocol Updates Student anonymity must always be protected. To ensure consistency of implementation, a script is provided. It must be read exactly as written during each administration. The script is specific to each grade range. Survey administration time is typically 20-30 minutes. Data is accessible to the teacher and evaluator on the Platform 24 hours after 15 or more students have completed the survey.
Survey Items: Grades 3-5
Survey Items: Grades 6-8
Survey Items: Grades 9-12
Survey Process Before During After Study the published protocol documents Establish procedures for administration of surveys Schedule appropriately for surveys based on teaching assignments During Comply with the published protocol Ensure surveys are administered by a staff member Accommodate students appropriately After Analyze survey results and use to inform the TAPS ratings on required standards (3, 4, 7, and 8) Share perception data during conferences to plan for improvement
Surveys of Instructional Practice General Information Administered through the TLE Electronic Platform All staff demographically identified as teachers will have 100 accounts automatically generated Additional accounts may be added at the school or district level to accommodate survey needs Leveled by grade (3-5, 6-8, 9-12)
Surveys of Instructional Practice General Information Require statements to be read aloud for grades 3-5 and allow for the option for all students to have survey read aloud Require student anonymity Do not allow comments Administration window (Nov. 2 - Nov. 13, 2015) and/or (Jan. 25 - Feb. 5, 2016) Allow for multiple surveys for the same teacher Are available in a variety of languages
Surveys of Instructional Practice Logistics Self-contained classes (i.e., elementary) All students will complete surveys Departmentalized classes (multiple sections of students daily) At least two full sections complete surveys (as determined by principal) Sections should be representative of all students taught Special Education classes All students will complete survey (unless otherwise determined inappropriate following process described in the protocol document)
The Survey Protocol Published annually by the Georgia DOE Linked within the TLE Electronic Platform Aligned with expectations within “The Georgia Code of Ethics for Educators” Includes explicit instructions for before, during, and after the Survey administration Includes three scripts (Grade 3-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12)
View Accounts To view accounts, click the Administration tab at the top of the page, then click Anonymous Surveys
View Accounts All teachers having a survey administered should have a plus sign (+) by their name. If there is not a plus sign (+) beside the teacher’s name, surveys will need to be generated. Click the plus sign (+). Then click on the blue Teacher Keys Effectiveness 2015-16 hyperlink. A window will come up. Click the Printer the PDF symbol or the Excel symbol to print as many survey codes that the teacher will need. If you only need half print half the # of total pages.
Creating Surveys If the teacher is going to be surveyed and does not have a plus sign (+) sign beside their name, click to put a check in the empty box. Then click Create Anonymous Accounts.
Creating Surveys Make sure to select the correct account from the dropdown box on the far right. Select TKES and the appropriate grade level from the selection below. Type in the number of surveys you want to create and click Create Accounts.
It is “very” Important to double check that Teachers have the correct codes for their school. Elementary you select Teacher Keys Surveys of Instructional Practice 3-5 Middle School you select Teacher Keys Surveys of Instructional Practice 6-8 High School you select Teacher Keys Surveys of Instructional Practice 9-12
Checklists for Survey Administration