District Annual Determinations 2015
IDEA Part B Sections 616(a) and (e) A State must consider the following four factors: 1.Performance on compliance indicators; 2.Valid and reliable data; 3.Correction of identified noncompliance; 4.And other data available to the State about the LEA’s compliance, including relevant audit findings. In addition, States may consider results on performance indicators and other information.
Part B Results Matrix Part B Results Indicators State Performance Plan (SPP) Target SWD State Average LEA Percentage Score Indicator 1: Graduation67.08%70.25%71.32%1 Indicator 2: Drop Out2.45%1.47%1.14%1 Indicator 3b: Participation Rate/Reading95.00%97.89%98.27%1 Indicator 3b: Participation Rate/Math95.00%97.80%98.14%1 Indicator 3c: Assessment Data/Reading Proficiency32.90%16.12%23.80%1 Indicator 3c: Assessment Data/Math Proficiency35.70%17.56%24.34%1 Indicator 4a: Suspension/Expulsion (more than 10 days) < 3.28% 0.24%1 Indicator 5a: Educational Environment General Education Full Time (6-21) 62.50%64.00%56.50%0 Indicator 5b: Educational Environment Separate Class (6-21)8.90%8.20%11.68%0 Indicator 5c: Educational Environment1.40%1.74%2.62%0 Indicator 6a: Preschool Environments (Regular Early Childhood Program) 29.80%26.16%4.82%0 Indicator 6b: Preschool Environments (Separate Special Education) 10.60%9.45%19.28%0 Indicator 7a: Preschool Outcomes (Social-Emotional Skills) A %81.68%88.68%½ ½ A %67.34%53.13%0 Indicator 7b: Preschool Outcomes (Knowledge & Skills) B %81.55%88.24%½ ½ B %63.49%51.13%0 Indicator 7c: Preschool Outcomes (Appropriate Behavior) C %83.54%91.49%½ ½ C %77.90%67.19%0 Indicator 8: Parent Involvement33.00%31.63% Indicator 14c: Higher Education/Post- Secondary/Competitively Employed 64.00%64.89%72.97%1 Results Points AvailableResults Points EarnedResults Performance % Needs Assistance Part B Compliance Matrix Part B Compliance Indicators 0% or 100% State Performance Plan (SPP) Target SWD State Average LEA Percentage Correction of Findings Score Indicator 4b: Suspension by Race/Ethnicity0.00%3.51%MetN/A2 Indicator 9: Disproportionality/All Disabilities0.00% Met N/A 2 Indicator 10: Disproportionality/Specific Disabilities0.00% Met N/A 2 Indicator 11:Initial Evaluation Timelines100.00%97.28%96.85% N/A 2 Indicator 12: Preschool Transition100.00% N/A 2 Indicator 13: Secondary Transition100.00%98.41% %N/A 2 Correction of Noncompliance100.00% 2 Timely and Accurate Data100.00% 2 Compliance Points Available Compliance Points EarnedCompliance Performance % Meets Requirements Results Driven Accountability Percentage and Determination % Meets Requirements
District Annual Determinations 50% Results (16 points available) 50% Compliance (16 points available) 32 points total
District Annual Determinations 80% and above Meets Requirements Below 80% Needs Assistance Districts will receive a Letter of Findings for Compliance Indicators below 100%
Scoring for Results Indicators Part B Results Indicators 1, 2, 3b, 3c, 4a, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 7c and 14c *Indicator 8 will have the LEA’s percentage listed for those included in the Parent Survey; however, no score will be given 1 point for meeting the State Average and/or the State Target 0 points if the percentage does not meet the State Average or State Target
Scoring of Compliance Matrix Indicators Part B Compliance Indicators 4b, 9 and 10 Two Points: The LEA’s data were valid and reliable and no significant discrepancy or no disproportionate representation was identified (indicating “Met” in the box); or The LEA’s data reflect a significant discrepancy or disproportionate representation; however, the mandatory review revealed no noncompliance of policies, procedures and practices (indicating “Met” in the box). Zero Points: The LEA’s data reflects a significant discrepancy or disproportionate representation and the mandatory review revealed noncompliance of policies, procedures and practices (indicating “Not Met” in the box).
Scoring of Compliance Matrix Indicators Part B Compliance Indicators 11, 12 and 13 2 points if percentage is at 95% or above 2 points if percentage is at 90% or above and correction of findings were made from the prior year indicating a “Yes” in the Correction of Findings box 1 point if percentage is at 90%-95% and no prior findings were identified indicating a “NA” in the Correction of Findings box 0 points if percentage is below 90%
Scoring of Correction of Noncompliance Two Points: If the LEA corrected all noncompliance no later than one year from the date of identification. One Point: If the LEA corrected all but one indicator with noncompliance no later than one year from the date of identification. Zero Points: If the LEA continues to have more than one indicator with noncompliance that has not been corrected within one year from the date of identification.
Scoring of Timely and Accurate Data Two Points: If the LEA reports (All 618 and SPP/APR Reports; LEA Application, ADA Submission and Second Month Report) were valid and reliable and within the specified timeline. One Point: If the LEA submitted all but one report that was valid and reliable within the specified timeline. Zero Points: If the LEA did not submit two or more reports within the specified timelines.
Letters to Superintendents Annual Determination letters and scored rubric will be mailed May 30, Letters of Findings on Compliance Indicators will be mailed May 30, Correction of Findings for Compliance Indicators must be corrected on or before May 30, 2016.
ADA Improvement Plan Rubric CriteriaCompliantReviewer Comments 1.The SPP Indicator identified, as not met is listed. Yes / No 2.The explanation of slippage including trend data provides a clear description/reason for the slippage. Yes / No 3.Areas for improvement have a logical sequence of events/activities including action steps necessary to correct noncompliance and/or improve results. Yes / No 4.The improvement plan clearly identifies who will be responsible for each activity. Yes / No 5. The plan includes an evaluation component which specifies methods to measure and verify the effectiveness of the activities. Yes / No
Please direct questions regarding Annual Determinations to Pat Homberg or Susan Beck Thank You!