Using Regatta Network
The first screen is a list of all the events that CYC uses on Regatta Network. Click on Manage This Event for the correct event.
On the next screen look for ::Event Scoring::. Click Score This Event Online.
Look for the gray bar, Select Race to Score. Click on each fleet that raced. Than click on Score All Fleets On One Finish Line.
Do not save or hit enter until you have entered all the results. If you do you must enter the data by each fleet. Not a problem, just time consuming.
Here you enter all of the race data. This screen will always come up as Race 1. At the top of the page change the date and the race number. **A warning notice will pop up telling you that changing to a different race may lose important data. Click ok. Enter the start time and distance for each fleet. When you put in the start times you must use colons between HH:MM:SS.
Enter results, all the boats will be listed on the left under the heading PARTICIPANTS NOT YET SCORED. Use the Quick Find box under this section to type in sail number. Do not hit enter. To move the boat into the correct fleet, click [Move Selected].
One Design fleets like the Frostbite and RYF do not need finish times. Finish times are need for mixed fleet sections like Beer Cans, ORR events, and the Verve. When you enter times you only need a period between HH.MM.SS
Now enter the penalties such as DNF, DNS, OCS, RET, and DSQ. Look for the box Add Penalty/Comment. If this event is a long series, Frostbite, RYF, and Beer Cans, the penalty is Finishers +2. The +2 will depend on the number of boats that fall under those penalties. Click [Move Selected]. In a weekend event like the NOOD, MAC, Verve, and special regattas these penalties are scored like a DNC.
The remaining participants should be the boats that did not compete that day. Click the Check all box. Move down to the Add Penalty/Comment. Pull down the DNC penalty. These boats will be scored Competitors +1. Once you click [Move Selected], the remaining boats will be scored in the correct fleets.
When there are no more boats to be scored you can save. If you are scoring another race for that day, click Save And Advance. If you are done for the day, click Save Scores.
Check your work. Log out. It’s time for a drink!