Food pyramid Sugar Fat Meat Fish Dairy products Poultry Fruit Vegetables Potato Pasta Bread Corn Seeds
Complex carbohydrates Carbohydrates is the main source of energy for our body. They provide 50-60% of caloric content of food. Carbohydrates divide in two groups: simple (monosaccharides) and complex (bioses and polysaccharides). Complex carbohydrates are more long acquired but thus you won't grow stout.
Simple carbohydrates Practically all products with simple (fast) carbohydrates have sweet taste therefore they are loved by many people. Fast carbohydrates have very high speed of assimilation therefore they cause immediate increase the level of sugar in your blood and the considerable burst of insulin. Insulin reduces blood sugar, turning it into fat.
Proteins Proteins - molecules consisting of one or more chains of amino acids. They are good for our muscles, nerves and blood. They shall provide 20-30% of caloric content of food. Protein which can be found in dairy products is long-playing but easy to assimilate. So it is good for breakfast and before you go to sleep. Meat, fish and poultry are good for main course.
Fats Fats are the main source of the thermal energy necessary for life. Fats make the smallest part of our supply 15 % because they are harmful to our body, they can cause warmly vascular diseases.
Menu Breakfast: cereal, a sandwich with butter, cocoa. Tiffin:, banana. Lunch: Chicken soup, mashed potatoes with chicken rissole Snack: tea, apple. Dinner: fish stew with vegetables. Supper: cottage cheese.
Thank you for attention !!!