1 Enhancing E-Learning with Interactive Multimedia Author: Zhang, Dongsong & Zhou, Lina. (2003). Journal: Information Resources Management Journal, 16(4),1-14 Speaker :陸虹妙 Date : 2005/6/16
2 前言 -- 研究動機與背景 & 文獻探討 E-Learning Benefits Time and location flexibility Cost and time savings Self-paced learning Collaborative learning environment Unlimited use of learning material Is adopted by many companies to expand their training market to previously out-of-reach employees. Thousands of online courses, including degree and certificate programs, are now being offered by educational institutions worldwide.
3 前言 -- 研究動機與背景 & 文獻探討 Multimedia in distance learning What is multimedia? Involves technologies that combine several media of communication such as text, graphics, video, animation and sound. The delivery of information in a computer-based presentation that integrates two or more media. (Beckman, 1996) Research findings Multimedia instructions can enhance individual ’ s problem- solving skills and improve learning effectiveness. (Carville and Mitchell, 2000; Gross, 1998)
4 前言 -- 研究動機與背景 & 文獻探討 What is interactive multimedia? The use of a computer to present and combine text, graphics, audio and video, with links and tools that let users navigate, interact, create and communicate. (Hofstetter, 1995) Hiltz and Turoff (2002) Asynchronous learning networks plus videotaped lectures. The content of videos included instructors, course notes, and PowerPoint slides. At any given time, a learner could only see one of the following three things on a computer screen: The image of an instructor, course notes, and PowerPoint slides Learners had to use a scroll bar on RealPlayer to skip or locate a portion of a lecture. Evaluation results revealed that students who took online courses tended to do as well as those in traditional classroom setting. Critiques Not very interactive and flexible. Operation is time-consuming.
5 前言 -- 研究動機與背景 & 文獻探討 Morales, Cory and Bozell (2001) Traditional face-to-face delivered instruction vs. Instruction delivered by an asynchronous live-switched video and accompanying PowerPoint slides. Students ’ exam grades showed no significant difference between a Web-learning group and a classroom group. CISCO e-learning A video of a lecturer is synchronized with his/her PowerPoint slides. When the lecturer in the video finishes talking about on concept and switches to the next, the current PowerPoint slides will automatically flip to the next corresponding slide. A linear process (To re-listen, stop the video and restart it again from the beginning.)
6 前言 -- 研究動機與背景 & 文獻探討 Interaction exerts a positive influence on student engagement, satisfaction and academic achievement. (Chapman, Selvarajah and Webster, 1999; Kirby, 1999) Researchers have primarily focused on learner- instructor and learner-learner interaction. Most prior research and practice did not deal with the aspect of online learner-content interaction.
7 前言 -- 研究目的 Given the same amount of lecture time, will students in an interactive multi-media-based e-learning environment (LBA) achieve higher learning performance than those in a traditional classroom? Will students in an interactive multi-media- based e-learning environment (LBA) have higher degrees of satisfaction than those in the traditional classroom?
8 研究方法 -- 研究樣本 39 undergraduate students. Recruited from an undergraduate MIS course (Introduction to Computing). From seven different departments. Did not have any e-Learning experience prior to the experiment.
9 研究方法 -- 研究工具 The LBA (Learning By Asking) Videotaped domain experts during their lectures or interviews and stored them on a video streaming server. Presented synchronized video/audio of instructors, PowerPoint slides and instructor’s lecture notes on a single interface. Interact with the system at any time to control the learning pace and content by pressing control button. Next, Prev, Content buttons.
10 研究方法 — 實驗流程 The procedures in the online session Brief description of experiment’s objective and procedure. Pre-test The LBA system training Online lecture session Post-test
11 研究結果 The learning performance of the online session is significantly higher than that of the classroom session. (F (1,37)=10.508, p=.003)
12 研究結果 — The levels of learner satisfaction of the two groups are equivalent. (F (1,37)=0.119, p=.732)