Colin Folsom (Armagh Observatory)
Read input Calculate line components (Zeeman splitting) Calculate continuum opacity (per window, per atmospheric layer) Calculate line to continuum ratio (window, layer, line) Calculate spectrum from each stellar surface element...
For each: rotation phase, window, surface element Determine local field Determine strengths of components for each line Calculate spectrum...
For each: phase, window, surface element, layer For each component of each line: Calculate Voight profile, at each point in wavelength, with polarization information (Humlicek, 1982 algorithm) For each point in wavelength, perform radiative transfer, for 4 Stokes parameters (Martin & Wickramasinghe, 1979; Landstreet,1988; Wade et al., 2001)
Integration propagates through atmospheric layers Surface elements are Doppler shifted and added Gaussian instrumental profile applied Windows and phases output separately
Major time saving Input and output compatible with magnetic As similar routines as possible
Assume horizontal homogeneity Only need a line of surface elements rather then a disk (allows for correct v sin i and limb darkening) Computation goes as v sin i rather then v sin i 2
Skip separate Voight profiles for different components (save a factor of a few) Voight profiles of one line at one layer are the same for all surface elements (only angle of emergent flux differs) Go from proportional to v sin i to independent (save a factor of a few up to > 10)
Don’t need: line components, local field, component strengths. (but save almost no time) Can use non-polarized radiative transfer (relatively small time saving)
Itot 10: 10 surface elements vs Voight profile vs. a few 100 (per line, layer, window and phase) 133 lines (60 Å) in 5 sec vs. 849 sec Identical non-magnetic results, down to machine precision.
Zeeman acts as the fitting function Preserve compatibility with regular Zeeman (easy upgrades) Determine v sin i, microturbluence, abundances Possibly T and logg...
Use Levenberg Marquardt fitting algorithm: Fast Many parameters Somewhat non-linear Still can get stuck in local minima
Conditions: 120 lines, 100 Å, 8 free parameters (vsini, microturbulence, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Ba) 4 iterations, 41 Zeeman calls v sin i 10.9 km/s ξ 2.3 km/s Ca-6.13 Ti-6.98 V-7.68 Cr-6.19 Fe-4.55 Ba-9.44
Repeat this process for several windows Averages Standard deviations Discrepancies Check result are sensible Parameters are constrained Inaccurate atomic data is not a (serious) problem
Interpolating on a grid of model atmospheres Constrain T by excitation potentials And logg by ionization balance Test results of throwing everything in Calculate new abundance specific models, e.g. ATLAS12.
WindowT (K)Log g v sin i (km/s) ξ (km/s)FeTiCr Average Stdev Luca's best fit uncertainty HD comparison