Anglossaxon Britain Arrival of germans tribes Arrival of germans tribes Beggining of germans dominance Beggining of germans dominance Heptarchy Heptarchy Period of Vikings invasions Period of Vikings invasions Important emperors and battles Important emperors and battles
Arrival of germans tribes Arrival wasn‘t one-time but gradual and in many waves. The most recognized theory on their arrival is that first Germans came to Britain over Roman dominance like soldiers who protected population. By legends were germans invited to Britain by original population who was after departure of legions without protection. By chronicle of Gildas came two Saxon leaders (Hangist and Horsa) about 450. Germans from who were later Anglosaxon were members of fout german tribes-Anglos, Saxon, Juts and Fríses.
Beggining of german dominance In England came to destruction of cultural and technological values and British fell on living standard of their barbarian ancestors. New inhabitants brought own religion-paqanism. Christianity was only in Wales. They adored germans gods: Tiwa, Woden and Thora. According to were named days in week: Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday.
Heptarchy Period from 6 to 9 century. Name come from Greek words for seven and for kingdom. This kongdoms were located in middle, south, and east part of England. It were: East England, Essex, Kent, Northumbrie, Mercie, Sussex and Wessex. East England: Raedwald- his tomb is the most important archeological discovery of Anglossaxon period-Saton Hoo Kent: Athelbert- author of anglossaxon codexes. From 7 century was state subdivided to hundredth. On beggining of 8 century were created three political blocks: Mercie, Wessex, and Northhumbrie.
The most important king was Offa. He called himself King of Briton and he was friend of Charlemagne and started to edit silver denars. The most important king was Offa. He called himself King of Briton and he was friend of Charlemagne and started to edit silver denars.
Period of Vikings invasions Vikings (pirats) came first time to England in 789 but important was year 793 when they plundered Lindisfarne and monasteries Jarrow and Iona. In 835 they attacked on Kent. Then started invasions of all atmies and colonization conquered areas. In 865 arrived boats with army. In army headed Halfdan who fought against Athelred from Wessex. He beated off Danes but then he died. Then governed dis brother Alfred. Next invasions continued in 875 and 876 but Danish army has btoke up. In 878 had Danes new army but they lost with Alfred in battle of Edington. Then Alfred made peace with Guthrum.
After series of strong governors governed Athelred The Indecisive ( ). Against him fought Sven but in 1014 he died. Then governed his son Harold but army in England wanted to govern younger son Knut. Athelred broke up Knut but in 1016 he died and his son Edmund lost and Knut repressed all England.
Important emperors and battles Alfred-he made peace with Vikings Alfred-he made peace with Vikings Viliam The Conqueror – he repressed England in 1066 and ended period of Anglossaxon Britain Viliam The Conqueror – he repressed England in 1066 and ended period of Anglossaxon Britain Battle of Fulford Battle of Fulford Battle of Stamford Bridge – 1066 Battle of Stamford Bridge – 1066 Battle of Hastings – Viliam broke up Harold Godwinson Battle of Hastings – Viliam broke up Harold Godwinson