This city fell to Germanic tribes giving rise to the Medieval Ages
This person was the early leader of Frankish kingdom and established the Merovingian House
The RCC and this modern day nation allied themselves together that lasted for several centuries
This government official became the real power of the Frankish kingdom
Who was the greatest ruler of the Carolingian House
Pepin the Short, the 1 st king of the Carolingian House asked for whose permission to become king
When the early Frankish rulers died what happened to their kingdoms
What did serfs or the common people give to their local lord in exchange for the lord’s protection
What “ism” describes how people were protected by their local lord
What was the name for the estate or large area of land the lord lived on
How did kings try to gain power and influence and to take it away from the local, feudal lords
What did feudal lords provide to the kings of nations
What part of society kept education alive during the Medieval Ages
Who was the first pope of the RCC
What did Leo I do to gain the title of pope
Who did the pope supposedly have power over
Under which pope did the power the pope peak or become the greatest
Who could not marry in the RCC
What is the term for false teachings that was punishable by torture in the RCC
RCC’s earned salvation by following these
According to RCC’s when is original sin removed
What is it called when a dying person is forgiven of their last sins before they die
If a nation was considered “Christian” in the Medieval Ages would that be considered genuine Christianity that you and I agree with
What structure or architecture dominated the early Medieval Ages
What did towns get from the local lord to establish their freedom as a town
What would townspeople give to the local lord or landowner of their town
Why did many people move to towns during Medieval Ages
In what year did the Battle of Hastings occur in England
Who won the Battle of Hastings and defeated English forces and became the ruler of England
What new ruling dynasty was established in England by William the Conqueror
What was the court system used by Henry II to increase his power in England in which judges appointed by the king would decided court cases
Hugh Capet established a powerful ruling family in France centered around what major city
Who was the French king who kicked out the majority of the English in France during the reign of King John
What was the French government position created to collect taxes and hold court in France that centralized the government and made people look more to the king and not to feudal lords
What was the role of the jury in England?
Who would decide if a person was guilty or not in the court cases
In what year was the Magna Carta signed
Who or why was King John forced to sign the Magna Carta
To whom was given rights in England according to the Magna Carta
What was the law created in England by the judges that unified the laws in the nation
What is the name for the government body that was initially advisors to the king in England
What power did Parliament have that allowed them to give finances to the king
Into what two parts was Parliament split
People sick of abuses and scandals and rulers abandoning their loyalty to this group is describing whom or what
What was the most powerful city-state during the Medieval Ages
What were religious wars called fought in the Middle East designed to free the region from Muslim control
In what year did the Crusades begin
What city was the goal of the Crusades
Who called for the Crusades to begin
List a motive a person would become a Crusader
List another motive why a person would become a Crusader
List a result of the Crusades
List another result of the Crusades
What was one innovation that Europeans did invent during the Medieval Ages
Often during the Medieval Ages technology would be rather than the Europeans actually inventing the item.
What reduced the need for bartering in Europe
Who would exchange coins with people when they needed the coins of a new region
What did banks issues that merchants could exchange for money at their next destination
From what part of Europe were Muslims forced out
What was the code knights lived by during the Medieval Ages
What rule set up by the RCC did not allow knights to fight on church property or civilians
The Truce of God hindered or stopped fighting in what way
Students at early universities would mostly study this program or get a degree in this where you know a little bit about everything
Most of the artwork during the Medieval Ages was of what
What was the major piece of architecture during the last Medieval Ages in a town that showed wealth and prosperity
Romaneque architecture copied what earlier civilization in having thick walls and small windows
What new invention allowed Gothic architecture to happen
What was the primary language for business, education, and govt during the Medieval Ages
What is the term for native language ex. English in England
Who authored an imaginary journey into the afterlife called Divine Comedy
Chaucer wrote this story about a group of traveling pilgrims in England
What occurred in Europe in the early 1300s due to a lack of food caused by bad weather
What two nations fought against one another in the Hundred Years’ War
Why did the Hundred Years’ War begin
What weapon allowed the English to win several battles early on in the Hundred Years’ War
Who rallied/inspired the French during the Hundred Years’ War
What event was probably caused by rats that wiped out entire cities in Europe during the 1300s