English Studio © GSCATULLO
Birth of English Nation English Studio Celts Stonehenge Romans Anglo-Saxon Birth of English Nation King Alfred Vikings Norman Conquest Test With Test!
Who Where? The Society Celts English Studio 500 – 100 BC The Celts settled in the country. Celts Celts Stonehenge Romans Who Where? The Celts were tribes of warriors who shared a similar culture. The Romans presented them as barbarians. They didn’t invade Britain: the Celts settled there gradually. Anglo-Saxon King Alfred Vikings Norman Conquest Test The Society The basic unity of Celtic Society was the clan, these joined together to form tribes. The Celts were mainly warriors, practiced agriculture when not fighting.
English Studio Celts Celts Stonehenge The Driuds Druids were members of the social class of clerics. They were very important in Celtic society: in fact, they were a kind of leaders do not warriors. Romans Anglo-Saxon King Alfred Vikings Function Holders of culture and ancient laws Judgment of criminals Education of children Their writing with the greek alphabet Religion They believed in the transmigration of souls. They worshipped in the natural elements. Norman Conquest Test
Overlap in the use of the site English Studio Celts Stonehenge Stonehenge Overlap in the use of the site Romans Anglo-Saxon King Alfred Vikings Norman Conquest $ Test Marketplace Place for religious rituals Calendar / observatory
English Studio Celts Romans Stonehenge The first direct contact between the Romans and the Britain was when Julius Caesar, already engaged in the Roman conquest of Gaul (modern France), wanted to make Britain part of the Roman empire. He first tried in 55BC, but the locals fought back bravely, stating in his De bello Gallico that the people of this island were helping the Gallic resistance. The Romans conquered the Britain in 43 BC under the Emperor Claudius. Romans Anglo-Saxon King Alfred Vikings Norman Conquest Test Roman City Town boundaries contained regular network of streets. Most towns were surrounded by stone walls. The center of a roman town was the forum or civic centre which gave access to the basilica or town hall. It was here that courts of justice were held, though it could also be used for merchants assemblies. The Romans brought to Britain laws, founded London and other cities, built roads and erected Hadrian's Wall.
Phases of Anglo-Saxon History English Studio Celts Anglo-Saxon Stonehenge An Easy Conquest The Romans wanted to defend the capital against barbarians and therefore recalled to Rome's legions leaving unguarded Celtic Britain. Therefor the Anglo-Saxons did not find an adequate defense. They were farmers and fishermen. Romans Anglo-Saxon King Alfred Vikings Norman Conquest Test Phases of Anglo-Saxon History HEPTARCHY 7 > 3 Kingdoms 5th Century 9th Century INVASION CHRISTIANIZATION Heptarchy Period during which seven kingdoms owned supremacy. Christianization Started with a mission of Gregory I, it was the middle of unification of the English population
Sutton Hoo Anglo-Saxon English Studio Celts Anglo-Saxon Stonehenge Sutton Hoo Sutton Hoo is considered a major archaeological discovery since it is considered with the Anglo-Saxons - and other Germanic peoples - not the most barbaric but true civilization. Romans Anglo-Saxon King Alfred Vikings Norman Conquest Test Among the most well-known finds, the ship burial recovered in 1939
Life King Alfred the Great English Studio 849– 899 King Alfred the Great Celts King Alfred the Great Stonehenge Life Ascended the throne in 871, he fought against the Danes limiting its jurisdiction to the east of Watling Street. He organized the navy and the national army and devoted himself to cultural and administrative reforms. Romans Anglo-Saxon King Alfred Vikings Norman Conquest Cultural unification Religious unification Language unification Test His son, Edward the Confessor, continued the process of cultural unification.
Chronicle of invasions English Studio 793 The monastery in the sacred island of Lindisfarne was attacked by Vikings Celts The Vikings Stonehenge Why did they move? Probably moved because of their homelands scarce resources, a demographic increase and/or Charles the Great’s conquests and persecutions. Romans Anglo-Saxon King Alfred Vikings Chronicle of invasions The Vikings succeeded in invasions because of the strong contrasts within the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. Norman Conquest Test In 865 with a new attack captured York. Alfred the Great will be the only one who was able to stop the attack and regain York. At the end of the year one thousand a new wave of Vikings (Danes) attacked the conquering Britain under the leadership of Canute the Great. Curiosity The Vikings reached America! (and then they went away)
English Studio Celts Normann Conquest Stonehenge William the Conqueror claims to be the rightful heir to the throne of King Edward, then invades Britain, and in 1066 (Battle of Hastings) he taked the throne. The King of England, Duke of Normandy, was therefore a vassal of the King of France! Romans Anglo-Saxon King Alfred Vikings Norman Conquest The Domesday Book is a manuscript that records the great survey of much of England and parts of Wales completed in 1086. The survey was executed for William I of England. The name was originated from the comparison of the decisions taken in the Domesday and those of (homograph) final judgment, deemed an irrevocable. Test
New economy (feudal, castle) English Studio Celts Normann Conquest Stonehenge brought Romans Anglo-Saxon New economy (feudal, castle) King Alfred Vikings Norman Conquest New language Test Old English Germanic People Wessex Dialect Middle English Germanic Dialect France Influence (not latin!) Establishing a link between England and Europe
Celts Romans Stonehenge Test English Studio Celts Stonehenge Romans Anglo-Saxon King Alfred Vikings Celts Romans Stonehenge Norman Conquest What was their social organization? They were organized in clan. When the Romans conquered Britain? Julius Caesar invaded Britain in 55 BC, but the real conquest was in 43 BC under Emperor Claudius. What were Stonehenge functions over time? The functions of Stonehenge were numerous over time: market, place of worship, calendar and observatory. Test Mostra risposta Mostra risposta Mostra risposta What economy did they have? They were farmers and ironworkers. Mostra risposta What did Romans bright to Britain? The Romans brought to Britain laws, founded London and other cities, built roads and erected Hadrian's Wall. What did they worship? They worshipped in the natural elements. Mostra risposta Mostra risposta Who were the druids? And what role did they have in the Celtic Society? The druids were like clerics, they were connoisseurs of ancient culture and laws, covered the role of judges and educated young people. Mostra risposta Torna Prosegui
Anglo-Saxon King Alfred and co. Vikings Test English Studio Celts Stonehenge Romans Anglo-Saxon King Alfred Vikings Anglo-Saxon King Alfred and co. Vikings Norman Conquest Why the Anglo-Saxons conquered Britain so easily? Because the Celts were left alone by the Romans that retrieved legions to defend the city from barbarian raids. What was his biggest military merit? He fought against the Danes limiting its jurisdiction to the east of Watling Street. Why did they move? Probably moved because of their homelands scarce resources, a demographic increase and/or Charles the Great’s conquests and persecutions. Test Mostra risposta Mostra risposta Mostra risposta Why we can attribute merits in the unification of England? Because he unified the country culturally, with reference to the Wessex, his kingdom. What was their economy based on? The Anglo-Saxon were farmers and fishermen. Who was Cnut the Great? Cnut was the king of the Danes who conquered England in 1017 Mostra risposta Mostra risposta Mostra risposta Why it is so important the discovery of Sutton Hoo? Because it allows the identification of the Germanic peoples as civilization developed and not as barbarians. Who succeeded King Alfred? And what did he do? His son, Edward the Confessor, continued the process of cultural unification. Were they skilled navigators? Yes, they were. In fact they reached American shores! Mostra risposta Mostra risposta Mostra risposta Torna Prosegui
Normans Test English Studio Celts Stonehenge Romans Anglo-Saxon King Alfred Vikings Normans Norman Conquest Who was William the Conqueror? William the Conqueror, duke of Normandy, claims to be the rightful heir to the throne of King Edward, then invades Britain, and in 1066 (Battle of Hastings) he taked the throne. What is te Domesday Book? The Domesday Book is a manuscript that records the great survey of much of England and parts of Wales completed in 1086. It is of great interest in the history of agriculture and settlement in medieval England. Test Mostra risposta Mostra risposta What was the strange situation that was to create? The King of England, Duke of Normandy, was therefore a vassal of the King of France! What was the Middle English? Language arose from a mixture of Old English and the French language spoken by William the Conqueror. Symbol of the link created with Europe. Mostra risposta Mostra risposta Torna
End Created by Paolo Franchi 3BC A.S. 2013/2014