Left/Right Hemisphere Specialization LEFT (a little bigger) RIGHT Holistic thought Seeing “big” picture before understanding details Intuition Insight based upon incomplete patterns or “hunches” Creativity Demonstrative with minimal word use, understanding relationships Art & Music Putting pieces together to form “wholes” Analytic thought Step by step process Logic Conclusions based upon a logical or consecutive order Language Using words to name/describe/define Math & Science Number use, awareness of time, symbols, facts & linear reasoning
Take your dominant hand and make a clock-wise circle. Now take your opposite foot and circle it counter-clockwise Easy, right? Now try and do the same thing, but with both dominant hand/foot Try these hemispheric activities…
The Corpus Callosum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfGwsAdS9Dc&noredirect=1
Split Brain Patients Those who due to epilepsy, have their corpus callosum removed. Contralateral control: right controls left and vice versa.
Testing the Divided Brain
Vision Left Visual Field is illustrated in RED Right Visual Field is illustrated in BLUE
Decreasing Left-handers