MOHAWK LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Five-Year Financial Forecast Fiscal
What has Changed?
Forecast Summary
Revenue vs Expenditures Graph
Cash Balances Graph
Property Tax and State Funding Trend
Real Estate Tax Class I – Residential/Agricultural Class 2 – Industrial/Commercial Public Utility Personal Property House Bill 920 Effect
Residential 35% of Market Value (determined every 6 years with an update in- between. 1 Mill =.001 Example: $200,000 home X 35% = $70,000 Taxable Value X 20 mills = $1,400 tax (less 12.5% rollback/homestead) = $1,
Agricultural CAUV – Current Agricultural Use Value Complicated formula comprised of Yield Information, Cropping Pattern, Crop Prices, Non-Land Production Costs and Capitalization Rate. Details can be found at _property/Explanation2015.pdf
House Bill 920 Effect Passed in As property values increase, the millage rate will decrease so that the same amount of tax is collected. This will occur until a floor is reached at 20 mills. Example 25 mills on $20,000,000 Taxable Class 1 Value = $500,000 tax revenue. If reappraisal is at $22,000,000, millage will adjust to 22.7 mills and the tax will remain $500,000.
Mohawk Millage Class 1 – 20 Mill Floor Class 2 – Mills Public Utility Tangible – Does not have a HB 920 effect
State Funding Core Aid – 52% ($250,889 decrease) Targeted Funding (Includes Agricultural Target) – 23% ($715,250 increase) Special Education 6% ($61,126 decrease) K-3 Literacy – 1% ($3,102 increase) Gifted – 1% ($887 increase) Transportation Aid – 6% ($21,142 decrease) Preschool - <1% - ($0 difference)
Supplemental Transportation (New) – 2% ($96,598 increase) Capacity Aid (New) – 7% ($367,122) Graduation Bonus (New) - <1% ($11,859 increase) Third Grade Proficiency Bonus (New) - <1% ($11,781 increase) Guarantees and Caps
Resources Trend
Expenditure Trend
Cash Flow
Plan for Long Term Fiscal Stability To meet long term capital needs, beginning in FY15 we began allocating 20% of income tax into a new Permanent Improvement Fund. This fund is paying for the HVAC improvements and other future capital projects. In FY16 and FY17 we will transfer an additional $500,000 each year into this fund. Beginning in FY14, we put $200,000 into a “rainy day” fund. It is the intent that we will allocate another $200,000 into this fund in FY16 and for the following 2 years. This fund is to be used in the future to avoid program cuts during those years when there is a major economic downturn.
VIEW IT ON THE INTERNET Forecast and notes are available for public viewing.
Contact: Treasurer, Roy B. Swartz, CPA (419)