NOTTINGHAM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Welcome to the 2015 – 2016 Informational Presentation
If children don’t show up for school regularly, they miss out on fundamental reading and math skills and the chance to build a habit of good attendance that will carry them into college and careers. Research shows children who were absent frequently (more than 9 days a year) in the early grades were far less likely to read proficiently. All absences and tardiness represent lost learning time. Make sure children get 9 to 11 hours of sleep. Lay out clothes and pack backpacks the night before. Eat a healthy breakfast. Plan to arrive between 8:45 and 8:50 so children can be in their seats at 9:00.
Steps to Respect: Bullying Prevention & Intervention Definition: Bullying is unfair and one sided. It happens when someone keeps hurting, frightening, threatening, or leaving someone out on purpose. Program: K-5 Literature based program designed to teach children how to respond to deliberate mean behavior targeted at them and to stand up for other children being targeted. Reports: All reports are taken seriously by staff. If it is a bullying situation student who is bullying and student who is bulled are coached separately.
RESPONSIVE CLASSROOM: At Nottingham, we are implementing the Responsive Classroom approach to teaching. We believe that the social and academic curriculum are equally important. We also believe that how children learn is as important as what they are learn and that the greatest cognitive growth occurs through social interaction. As a classroom community, we will be developing an environment where everyone can learn, feel safe, feel a sense of belonging and significance, and have fun. The social skills that have been found to be important in developing an effective learning environment and proven to increase student achievement are represented by the acronym C.A.R.E.S. C = Cooperation A = Assertion R = Responsibility E = Empathy S = Self-Control
BE THE 3! SAFE, CARING AND RESPECTFUL This year, classroom teachers will be encouraging their students to Be the 3! Safe, Caring and Respectful. Be the 3! is closely linked to the Responsive Classroom approach which helps us create a safe, respectful, and caring learning environment here at Nottingham. A safe, respectful and caring learning environment is an essential characteristic of a school that is engaging and inclusive of a diverse range of learners. As we explore the meaning of Be the 3! Throughout the coming year, we ask that the adults in our Community of Learners help teach and model these important aspects of how to be a good citizen here at Nottingham. Knights in grades 2-5 will hear and learn more about this school wide theme at our Safety Assemblies during the first two weeks of school.