IEEE Tokyo Section Membership Development Strategy & Plan Hiroyuki Ohsaki MDC chair Tokyo Section photo
IEEE MD Strategy Section Situation Section MD Plan Topics
IEEE MD Strategy
IEEE MD Support & Evolution ,500 members BMS transition ‘Great Recession’ Optimizing the Campaigns > renewal recovery recruitment reinstatement benefits promotion 382,400 members (renewal alerts integrated into next-gen products) 367,400 members Integrated multimedia Putting a face on membership promotion Remaking the Collateral > Integrated MD strategy & plan Integrated MD reporting 397,000 members Synthesis & Engagement First-year member experience Message testing MD webcasts 374,800 members Building a Volunteer “Field Team” > MD KitsMD portal Membership presentation MD Manual MGM business cards MD virtual community On-demand Kit ordering
MD Strategy w/ Full Volunteer Integration MD Volunteer “Platform”
Membership Situation Tokyo Section
Tokyo Section Total Members Since Year 2000 Formation Date: 5 December 1955
IEEE Tokyo Section Membership 31 December 2011
SWOT – Section’s Member Growth Program Strengths Global established name brand Deep and wide technical expertise Sponsoring popular conferences and publications Coverage of wider technical fields in Japan (38 societies) Largest section of nine sections in Japan Weaknesses Language barriers: English-only publications and service contents Membership only for conferences, publications and/or Xplore Digital Library Local activities, including promotion of IEEE, being largely dependent on volunteers Lower ratio of senior members Opportunities “Internationalization” being an important goal for many universities and corporations IEEE Tokyo Section website and e-newsletter Conferences and symposium with technical co- sponsorship of an IEEE society Lecture meetings, Career Development Workshops, Student Paper Contests, and a Leadership Training Workshop, etc. Activities of IEEE Tokyo GOLD Affinity Group Threats Decreasing number of engineering students and the young population Competition from other domestic associations (e.g., IEEJ, IEICE, JSME, JSAP) Diminished volunteer time to devote to IEEE activities
Section MD Plan
Membership Year Begins Full-year dues enacted Renewal opens Key month for launching new or upgraded benefits From Sep thru Dec, revenue deferred to next year Membership Mid-Year ½-Year Dues-Cycle Begins Arrears-Recovery Begins Key month for launching new or upgraded benefits Membership Year Concludes Member retention rates determined Business fiscal performance determined ½-year dues cycle concludes Calendar Year Concludes Year-end membership statistics determined Active-Status Terminator Past-due members placed into arrears Timing is Everything – Know the Membership Calendar
Constituencies Technical Development Professional Development Community Development Cost Savings / Discounts Existing Members Prospective Members Differentiate Audiences – Different Expectations … their needs change throughout a career … they are everywhere. When we do recruit them, 50%+ attrition rate (first-year member strategy)
IEEE Entity CommunicationsEventsRecognition Evaluation Considerations Tokyo Improved website and e-newsletter to arrears members, first-year members, and non- renewing members Work with Chapter Chairs Encouragement of grade advancement Lecture meetings, workshops, etc. Technical co- sponsorship of technical meetings Support of student branch activities IEEE Tokyo Section Awards Event Participation Volunteer Recruitment Student Branch Vitality Member Retention Opportunities for Engaging Existing Members
IEEE Entity CommunicationsEventsRecognition Evaluation Considerations Tokyo Improved website Japanese brochures if possible Work with Chapter Chairs to capture non- IEEE attendees Lecture meetings, workshops, etc. Technical co- sponsorship of technical meetings Support of student branch activities IEEE Tokyo Section Awards Diversity and frequency of opportunities for member recruitment Follow-up with interested individuals First-year member engagement Opportunities for Engaging Prospective Members
Membership Development Plan Engagement Venues & Frequency 1Q (Jan – Mar) 2Q (Apr – Jun) 3Q (Jul – Sep) 4Q (Oct – Dec) Communications Improved website and e-newsletter Website improvement Bulletin No.71 Website improvement to arrears members, first-year members, and non-renewing members to arrears members Remind mail of renewal Work with Chapter Chairs Consider collaboration with chapter chairs Japanese brochures if possible Consider the possibility Encouragement of grade advancement Send information Events Lecture meetings, workshops, etc. 3 lecture meetings4 lecture meetingsSeveral meetings are planned Technical co-sponsorship of technical meetings Many technical meeting are technically co-sponsored by IEEE chapters in Japan Support of student branch activities Recognition IEEE Tokyo Section Awards Planning for 2013
Status Update Engagement Venues & Frequency Goals & Progress Communications Improved website and e-newsletter Increase member benefits awareness and activity information of IEEE Tokyo Section to arrears members, first-year members, and non-renewing members Increase member retention, recovery, and renewal Work with Chapter Chairs Capture non-IEEE attendees in technical meetings Japanese brochures if possible Increase member recruitment by bridging language barriers Encouragement of grade advancement Increase the number of senior members Events Lecture meetings, workshops, etc. Increase member recruitment, and improve member satisfaction and professional knowledge Technical co-sponsorship of technical meetings Increase Section activities, and offer opportunities of improving professional knowledge to members Support of student branch activities Promote student branch activities and make IEEE more attractive for students Recognition IEEE Tokyo Section Awards Recognize exceptional achievements and outstanding contributions of members
Section’s Membership Situation –Increased number of members until 2010, but deceased in –Low ratio of senior members. –Recent decrease in numbers of engineering students and young population. Competition from other domestic associations. Section MD Plan –Improved website and e-newsletter – to arrears members, non-renewing members, etc. –Encouragement of grade advancement –Lecture meetings, workshops, etc. –Work with Chapter Chairs –Japanese brochures if possible –IEEE Tokyo Section Awards In Summary…