Peter Shanahan – Fermilab - Near Detector Electronics Status MINOS Collaboration Meeting University of Sussex Sep. 14. 2002 1 Near Detector Electronics.


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Presentation transcript:

Peter Shanahan – Fermilab - Near Detector Electronics Status MINOS Collaboration Meeting University of Sussex Sep Near Detector Electronics 1)Hardware Status 2)Schedule for Production Sign-off 3)CALDET Run in Progress

Peter Shanahan – Fermilab - Near Detector Electronics Status MINOS Collaboration Meeting University of Sussex Sep Hardware Overview Keeper 578 MINDERs – up to 16 per crate 16 MENUS per MINDER 9248 Total MENU- Support card for QIE (1 pixel) MASTERS VME Readout Boards 8 Minders Each MTM – timing for crate M64 80 MASTERs Up to 12 per VME crate 8 VME crates 44 Front End Crates VME Processor VME Timing Module

Peter Shanahan – Fermilab - Near Detector Electronics Status MINOS Collaboration Meeting University of Sussex Sep Hardware Status QIE –All Chips in hand. Packaging and Testing in progress MENU –Most numerous component –1 minor modification forseen MINDERS –1 more Prototype cycle (Version 3)

Peter Shanahan – Fermilab - Near Detector Electronics Status MINOS Collaboration Meeting University of Sussex Sep Hardware Status, cont. KEEPERs –V3 layout (cleanup) in progress MASTERs –Update firmware for V2 Timing Modules –Master Clock – “ready to go” –VTM – 1 more iteration possible –MTM – Set for production

Peter Shanahan – Fermilab - Near Detector Electronics Status MINOS Collaboration Meeting University of Sussex Sep Hardware Status, cont. Front End Crates –Custom J2 Backplane for voltages and analogue signals –Specs almost complete Power Supplies –3U Switchers –Model from Wiener in hand –Looking to reduce cost

Peter Shanahan – Fermilab - Near Detector Electronics Status MINOS Collaboration Meeting University of Sussex Sep Schedule for Production Sign-off Remaining system tests at Argonne: –E.g., data transfer noise, firmware for V2 MASTER, Flasher Trigger on KEEPER, long term stability tests Internal review of performance Aim for production decision by Nov. 1 By 11/15 Lehman review, all parts should have been purchased (but not necessarily assembly services) 1600 channels by Spring –Power supplies and crate procurement will be close

Peter Shanahan – Fermilab - Near Detector Electronics Status MINOS Collaboration Meeting University of Sussex Sep CALDET 150 Channels of Near Detector –6 planes out of 60 on one side –Moved into T11 enclosure on Sep. 4, first beam on Sep. 7 Time of Flight Cerenkov (not to scale)

Peter Shanahan – Fermilab - Near Detector Electronics Status MINOS Collaboration Meeting University of Sussex Sep External Triggering External Trigger Timing –Use unsparsified channel to see arrival of LED or scint. light Fraction of charge per RF bucket Bucket with max charge LI TOF

Peter Shanahan – Fermilab - Near Detector Electronics Status MINOS Collaboration Meeting University of Sussex Sep “Features” Found in CALDET Special environment –High rate dynode trigger running –External triggering –Timing issues between ND and FD electronics Events in deadtime Master input FIFO filling at high rates “ADC=FFFF” – real physics issue

Peter Shanahan – Fermilab - Near Detector Electronics Status MINOS Collaboration Meeting University of Sussex Sep MENU Buffer “CAPID error” –Master Input FIFO would fill up – occasionally saw new data without intervening header 500 ns extension to trigger inhibit on MINDER Deadtime now 5.5  s –Never would have been seen nominal, baseline running –Only visible in sustained, high rate dynode triggering

Peter Shanahan – Fermilab - Near Detector Electronics Status MINOS Collaboration Meeting University of Sussex Sep Hits in Deadtime All 3 ND PMT Dynode Triggers ORd for CALDET –Supposed to have simultaneous deadtime for all MINDERS of 5.5  s –Observed violation of deadtime – 1 RF tick ambiguity among MINDERS allowed dephasing at high rates Only a “problem” for synchronous deadtime Fixed in KEEPER Hits in deadtime Time Between Hits

Peter Shanahan – Fermilab - Near Detector Electronics Status MINOS Collaboration Meeting University of Sussex Sep “FFFF” Issue - Undershoots Some level of apparent near-saturation ADC values –Tracked to negative numbers (in linearized DAC counts) Undershoots have been observed in different teststands Masked out, but phsyics needs to be understood

Peter Shanahan – Fermilab - Near Detector Electronics Status MINOS Collaboration Meeting University of Sussex Sep Does it Work? Focus of this afternoon’s talks Correlations seen in individual strips well before beam turned on Correlation of Electron response is encouraging Need thorough offline analysis Stability…

Peter Shanahan – Fermilab - Near Detector Electronics Status MINOS Collaboration Meeting University of Sussex Sep Stability – Pedestal Example Dave Reyna: Pedestal variation over 36 hours

Peter Shanahan – Fermilab - Near Detector Electronics Status MINOS Collaboration Meeting University of Sussex Sep ND Group at Caldet Argonne –Gary Drake, Dave Reyna, Rich Talaga, Jonathan Thron IIT –Bill Luebke, Chris White, Pierrick Hanlet Fermilab –Charlie Neslon, Tom Fitzpatrick, PS Oxford ( PMTs, Timing ) –Alfons Weber, Anatael Cabrera, Nathaniel Tagg

Peter Shanahan – Fermilab - Near Detector Electronics Status MINOS Collaboration Meeting University of Sussex Sep Valuable help and feedback from non-ND people –Ryan Nichol, Tricia Vahle, Mike Kordosky, Chris Smith, Phil Adamson, David Petyt, and others Dave Reyna – (not talking today) – solid DAQ and system control code Nathaniel Tagg – see this afternoon’s talk

Peter Shanahan – Fermilab - Near Detector Electronics Status MINOS Collaboration Meeting University of Sussex Sep Summary Near Detector Front End Electronics is at mature stage Problems for CALDET running have been dealt with –No direct impact on nominal running Good data in the can for ND/FD comparisons –See this afternoon’s talks Production sign-off foreseen for early November