Investigating the Digital Divide for the OU Offender Learner Anne Pike PCF5 London 2008 Centre for Open Learning of Mathematics, Science Computing and Technology (COLMSCT)
Aims of the Research To investigate the experiences of the Open University student in a prison environment To determine what influences students to embark on an Open University course To understand how technology, is affecting their learning, choice of study and future decisions
The Methodology 35 students, 10 prisons, 5 OU regions 33 male, 2 female Initially Maths, Science and Technology students Sample broadened to cover all faculties Prisons –Cat A – D, –Male & female –public, private
Educational Qualifications before entering prison
Decision to study with the OU Completed all other education – next step Through a friend already studying Need to use time usefully Influence from an important person
“P kept following me, insisting on more and more exams. I told him I couldn’t do it. He said I had the potential. …P was like a father to me - I still remember him.” [10, 28] “I have no-one outside to write to but I would like M and P to come if possible.” [10, 28]
Support Dedicated staff both internal and external to the OU Insufficient resources, funding or policy to adequately meet the needs of the OU students –OU relies too heavily on prison education staff –Priorities of prison to educate is to level 2 –Regional differences in support, guidance and tutor training
“If L and A had followed [the prison] rules then it would have been much more difficult ….. I couldn’t have done it [completed degree].[5, 4]
“… They were enthusiastic and fired my imagination… the astronomy tutor was brilliant – looked like a biker – pictures of telescopes, stars – very interesting to see the ‘the real thing’ in pictures instead of books. Made the subject come alive.” [5, 4]
Access to Technology Wide variation Variation is prison specific (not always related to Security Category) Software license problems eg. Minitab
“I do most of my study in evenings and weekends. This is slightly annoying because if I see in the Unit ‘now time to watch the DVD’ I need to wait a week before I can see it ( I haven’t seen most of them.)” [9,1] “Lack of access [to computers] has affected results. I need to get access to my computer and practice to use the knowledge from the book – this is not a theory course.” [3,13] “It [Laptop in-cell] makes you feel like you’re really a student – there’s no point in rehabilitating if you don’t know modern technology.” [11, 36]
Internet access 3/35 (<10%) of students in the study were allowed access to the internet Insufficient access to the Open University site “I have access to my own material but not the OU library. … I have access to all the University Libraries in the world except the OU.” [6, 23]
Isolation: Often only one student on the course Cannot speak to tutors directly Unable to join online student conferences
Course choice Lack of course choice seriously affects the students’ ability to complete a chosen degree in a prison Only 18% of Undergraduate Degrees fully available [April 07] “Prison is not the environment to study… 1 open and 4 closed doors. Now it’s almost impossible to find the one open door” [3,17] “Course choice is reduced because of no internet access. Might have to tread water for a while. I know it’s coming – just mark time until it does.”[8,34]
On-Line Initiatives 1.POLARIS 2.European Collaboration: Grundvig – Virtual Campus – Two prisons, on-line trials 3.Intranet / High security option 4.International collaboration
The Way Forward International Prison E-learning Network Research long-term effects of education Key messages for Government (Top down) Share best practice (Spread)
Anne Pike COLMSCT CETL Fellow & Offender Learning Steering Group The Open University