Mr. Ferrari 8 th Grade Math and Science
Schedule ● A & B Schedule ● Period 1 & 2- PE / Elective ● Electives: Yearbook/ Band/ Leadership/ 6 week rotations ● Period 4/5 & 6/7: Math/Science or Lang. Arts/ S.S. ● Period 3: Pack- students grouped according to student needs ● Based on last year’s scores/grades ● Flexible grouping- students will move as needed ● Students will get challenging work, reinforcement, or help as needed ● 2 days of math and 2 of lang. arts
Math Common Core New state standards separated into 5 domains: 1.Number System [chapter 1] 2.Expressions and Equations [chapters 2,3] 3.Functions [chapter 4] 4.Geometry [chapters 5,6,7,8] 5.Statistics and Probability [chapter 9] Will emphasize 8 “Mathematical Practices” MP1Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. MP2Reason abstractly and quantitatively. MP3Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. MP4Model with mathematics. MP5Use appropriate tools strategically. MP6Attend to precision. MP7Look for and make use of structure. MP8Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Benchmarks/State Testing ●Two benchmarks. Dates TBD. ●State tests in the spring. Dates TBD. ●TIMMS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study). Spring 2015.
Criteria for Credit ● Proper heading including name and class #. ● Show all work! ● Use a pencil. ● Use graph paper, if needed. ● Work should be kept in order in a spiral notebook. ● All assigned problems must be completed. ● All work is corrected and redone in pen.
Science ● Science units are Matter & Chemistry, Astronomy, and Force & Motion. ● Science books stay at home; 2 workbooks will be needed in class. ● Science text book is on-line. ● ● User name: In planner ● Password: In planner
Homework ● Monday through Thursday * ● Should be written in PACK Planner ● Homework is posted online ● Work is due by the end of homeroom ● Access Teacherweb through DCIS website. ● *Some students may need to finish class work assigned on Friday.
Absences ● Absent students get the number of days of the absence to turn in work for full credit. ● See me to make up tests, because absences are recorded as zeroes. ● Absent students must read the lesson and work the examples before asking for help.
Grades ● Parent signature required weekly (Planner) ● Trust but verify! ● Progress reports are mailed from the office every 6 weeks. (Parent signature in planner) ● Grades will be posted on-line. (Updated every 7-10 days) ● Student and Parents have access to grades through ESPRI ● Access Teacherweb through DCIS website.
Books ● Books are a student’s responsibility. ● California Math “Common Core Edition, Course 3/ Volumes 1 and 2. ● Students are required to bring math books to school each day. ● Science books stay at home and must be covered.
Finals ● Finals are given in all four core subjects at the end of the 3 rd trimester. ● Have your child keep old tests, quizzes, homework, notes and worksheets in a safe place to use for a review at the end of the year.
Extra Help ● If students have any questions about a past assignment quiz, or test, help is available. Morning tutoring Tuesdays-Fridays after 7:30.
Reminders/Requests ● Gum is not allowed at school. ● Cell phones must be turned off and stay in backpacks during class. ● Plagiarism/ cheating (either receiving or sharing work) will result in a grade of zero and a lower citizenship grade. ● Please follow the dress code. ● Tissue donations are appreciated. ● Pick-up and drop-off. ● Fundraiser for student activities. Please help! ● Sign up for in back of room.