The 2014 Sacramento Public Library Parcel Tax Augmentation Part I – Building Consensus Among the Stakeholders Part II – YES on Measure B Campaign January 2012 – January 2014February - June 2014 Laying the groundwork Rea Reaping the harvest 1
Laying the groundwork and consulting with the stakeholders Library Board Library Director and staff Friends of the Library Library Foundation Elected officials Political advisors 2
Getting stakeholders to understand the coming financial crisis Library Forecast FY13/14FY14/15FY15/16FY16/17FY17/18 Annual Revenues 13,098,34613,194,12313,291,81513,391,46213,493,101 Annual Expenditures 13,329,00014,187,00014,658,00015,146,00015,649,000 Annual Operating Results (464,500)(992,877)(1,366,185)(1,754,538)(2,155,899) 3
Consulting with professionals – Poll #1 Poll Results: 89% believe a good public library enhances quality of life in community. 88% believe in library programs for youth. 72% would vote to renew existing parcel tax. 66% would vote for renewal with increase. 4
Poll #2 and building consensus for Parcel Tax Augmentation OPTIONS JUNE 2014JUNE 2016EFFECT ON LIBRARY SERVICES 1 Renew existing parcel tax Requires reduction of services over time, including closure of libraries 2 Add $12 supplemental parcel tax Stabilizes library funding and immediately corrects deficits 3 Replace existing $30 parcel tax with $49 parcel tax Renew existing parcel tax Stabilizes library funding and immediately corrects deficits; provides opportunity to increase service levels 5
YES on Measure B Campaign 6
Raising money and insuring financial accountability YES on Measure B Funding Friends of SPL 31,600 SPL Foundation 15,000 Unions 7,000 Elected Officials 6,000 Individuals 1,195 Total $61,595 At the request of our Campaign Chair, Sacramento Mayor Pro Tem Angelique Ashby, we retained a political reporting and treasury service to insure compliance with state and federal laws. 7
We used poll results to guide ballot language and content of bookmarks, brochures, and mailers. Printing and postage were our major expenses. 8
Poll results also helped determine where we went for endorsements – PTA, teachers, Friends of the Library, police, and firefighters. We held early meetings with potential opponents to neutralize them. The Sacramento Bee endorsed us early. 9
Outreach included social media (Facebook, Twitter) + website + house parties and tabling events. Be There for Sacramento Libraries, our Facebook page, grew to more than 2,400 “likes” in 3 months with help from John Chrastka at EveryLibrary. 10
Final results Final Results for Measure B - 6/23/14 YES 44, % NO 16, % Over Votes 18 Under Votes 5,560 TOTAL VOTES 66,135100% Passage of Measure B provides city libraries with $1.9 million in additional funding each year. In 2016 there will be another election to renew the original $30 per year parcel tax. 11