Bell Ringer What are some ways you have changed since middle school?


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Presentation transcript:

Bell Ringer What are some ways you have changed since middle school?


What is adolescence? As a table, come up with your own definition of adolescence.

What is adolescence? The stage between childhood and adulthood Four developmental tasks/changes during adolescence  Physical  Intellectual  Emotional  Social

Physical Changes Adolescence lasts from 11 to 17 years old Begin to get an adult figure/physique Girls mature 2 years before boys Girls stop growing at 15 years old Boys stop growing at 17 years old Some continue to grow until 20 years old

Physical Changes Growth spurts Muscle development Sexual growth – hormones  Boys: thick necks, broad shoulders, facial hair, deep voices  Girls: wider hips, enlarged breasts, shapely figures, reproductive systems Important to take care of yourself  Nutrition, sleep, exercise, no drugs, alcohol or tobacco Coping with changes  This is a natural part of life.  Your friends are feeling the same way

Intellectual Changes Expanded By age eight, 80% of adult intelligence has already been developed Reasoning/problem solving develop between 13 and 15  Think through consequences See other’s POV

Emotional Changes Emotions are feelings about people and events in your life During adolescence, emotions may become more intense than ever before  Feelings change quickly Negative vs. Positive feelings

Negative vs. Positive Feelings Negative feelings  Hard to control  If not handled properly could lead to a difficult situation  Venting negative emotions  Getting feelings out into the open  Talking  Write a letter  Exercising Positive feelings  Make you feel good  Based on love  Emotional independence  Enable you to think for yourself and make your own decisions

Handling Emotions Take 1 to 2 minutes and think of a way you can communicate your emotions. Handling Emotions scenarios

Social Changes Why do people join gangs or cliques?

Social Changes Peers – people your own age Inclusion/belonging Setting standards, values and morals  Where do you learn these? Dating Roles  Pattern of expected behavior  What roles do you have?

Vocabulary Terms Developmental tasks  Certain skills and behavior patterns that develop normally within each life stage Hormones  Chemicals in your body that aid I the body’s progression toward sexual maturation