Classroom Management
If you want them to know it, teach it! Don’t assume they already learned it! Steps in the success of what you want students to know and remember academically and behaviorally. Teach it! Re-teach it! Model It! Expect it!
Teaching Expectations Randy Sprick Research
Your classroom or school-wide discipline plan should include a process which….. Is clear Is Sequential Results in an increase in student’s sense of dignity Is educational in focus Provides for an environmental analysis
If you want it, teach it! The 5 Basics – Checking for understanding – Wait Time/Wait Time Extended – On the clock – Pass Option – Beginning of Class Agenda Outcomes Bellringers Key Instructional Strategies
Whenever you are dealing with unacceptable behavior, always question whether the behavior in question is an isolated event or a recurring symptom of a greater problem. In other words, is it just a headache or is it a brain tumor? DiscussInapprop 9-3