Opportunities for Greater Energy Efficiency of Security Equipment R. Neal Elliott, Ph.D., P.E. Associate Director for Research ACEEE
The American Council for an Energy- Efficient Economy (ACEEE) ACEEE is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) that acts as a catalyst to advance energy efficiency policies, programs, technologies, investments & behaviors. Nearly 50 staff based in Washington, D.C. Focus on end-use efficiency in industry, buildings, utilities & transportation Other research in economic analysis; behavior; national, state & local policy. Funding: ◦Foundation Grants (52%) ◦Contract Work & Gov. Grants (20%) ◦Conferences and Publications (20%) ◦Contributions and Other (8%)
Reasons for Energy Efficiency Energy efficiency can offer opportunities for market differentiation Customers have energy efficiency obligations: Federal agency under obligations for energy efficiency improvements and to purchase energy-efficient products Many state & local governments follow federal purchasing guidelines Many companies include energy efficiency in their corporate sustainability goals—both for their own operations & for the products they sell Investors are showing preference for companies with Sustainability plans
Paths for energy-efficient products Product testing protocols and data collection Identify or develop test method to allow purchaser comparisons of equipment Develop standard reporting for both direct & indirect energy use of products Product labeling Private-sector labeling by trade association or 3 rd party Participation in public labeling program—EnergyStar™, NEMA Premium™ Mandatory labeling requirements through DOE Product performance standards Minimum-Efficiency Performance Standards (MEPS) by Government—DOE Standards proceedings
Energy Efficiency Testing & Data Address customer transaction costs: Provide information of sustainability programs Allows industry to define key performance indicators Industry controls the process Allows industry to appear ahead of sustainability markets Provide the basis for labelling efforts Identifies KPI Established accepted test procedures Proves data needed to justify labels
Power of Labeling Helps customers make choices Addresses market confusion on purchasing products that comply with mandatory & voluntary energy efficiency goals Facilitates customers to: Achieve energy savings targets & document savings - “deemed savings” Purchase energy-efficient products & streamline purchasing process—e.g. FEMP, DoD, GSA Offers the potential to receive energy efficiency program incentive payments Allow differentiation in marketing products
Summary & Conclusions Focusing on energy efficiency of security products offers the industry the opportunity to: Make the industry responsive to customer needs Allow for market differentiation of efficient products Help facilitate customers in their purchasing process Unlock energy efficiency incentive payments Seize control of the efficient product process to guide & channel government action
Thank you! R. Neal Elliott, Ph.D., P.E. Associate Director for Research ACEEE Visit ACEEE on the Web: Follow us on