Do you football fans always wonder who the top QB’s are in football? Well if you do you might want to listen to this because I think these QB’s are the top 5 best QB’s that have ever played in the NFL.
Number 5 Peyton Manning Peyton Manning has been playing in the NFL since Manning played for the colts and is now currently playing for the Broncos. He has won one super bowl and is a 13 time pro bowler. His statistics include 64,964 passing yards, 491 TD’s, and 97.2 is his quarter back rating. He is one of the top QB’s because he believes in his teammates. He also leads teams to victory and has broken many records. Peyton Manning Highlights:
Number 4 Dan Marino Dan Marino has played in the NFL from 1983 to Marino played with the dolphins for his NFL career His statistics include over 61,000 passing yards, 490 TD’s and 86.4 is his quarter back rating is. He is a nine time pro bowler. Dan Marino played in one super bowl but lost. He is one of the best because he has great leader ship he did good when he had little talent around him. Dan Marino Highlights:
Number 3 Joe Montana Joe Montana Highlights: Joe Montana played from 1979 to Montana played for the San Francisco 49er’s and the Kansas city Chiefs. His statistics include 40,551 passing yards, 273 TD’s and 92.4 quarter back rating. Montana has won 4 super bowls and was inducted into the Hall of Fame in He is considered the calmest quarter back earning the nickname Joe Cool.
Number 2 Terry Bradshaw Terry Bradshaw has played since 1970 to Bradshaw played for the Pittsburg Steelers. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in His career statistics include 212 TD’s, 27,891 passing yards and 70.9 is his quarter back rating. Bradshaw is one of the best QB’s because he always played his best in the most important games and his 4 super bowl victories. Terry Bradshaw Highlights
Number 1…….. John Elway John Elway has played from 1983 to Elway played for the Broncos for his entire career. His statistics include 51,794 passing yards, 300 TD’s and 70.4 is his quarter back rating. Elway won 2 super bowls and was inducted into the Hall of Fame in His team had more comeback wins than other teams. His arm is considered the strongest of all quarter backs.
Conclusion I hope you guys liked my top 5 QB’s. Please do not give rude comments because this is my personal opinion.