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Based on your data from the previous activity, where are large amounts of phosphates and nitrates entering Jaffrey Lake? This class discussion should take approximately 5-10 minutes. You may wish to project a transparency of Student Sheet 5.1, “Jaffrey Lake Water Testing,” with results from students’ water tests for them to refer to when summarizing the problem areas where phosphate and nitrates enter the lake.
Read the Introduction. Think about the following: Who do you think the stakeholders might be in Jaffrey City? Review the concept of trade-offs. You may want to revisit the explanation of evidence and trade-offs provided in the Teacher’s Edition, Teaching Suggestion 10, Activity 1.
How can a sustainability plan be developed for Jaffrey Lake that will balance the interests of all of the stakeholders?
Part A In this part of the activity you will create a Master Plan that is satisfactory to all the stakeholders in the community. You will take on the role of one of the stakeholders in Part B of the activity. You may want to point out to students that if their Master Plan is not satisfactory to all the stakeholders in the community, those stakeholders are likely to vote against the proposal. Point out to students, if they don’t figure it out, that the $2 million budget is a yearly budget so that proposal ideas could potentially be paid for over several years. If appropriate, introduce the Communicating Scientific Ideas (CS) assessment variable and Scoring Guide here. For more information on how to do this refer to your Teacher’s Edition and the Assessment Section of your Teacher’s Resources.
Part B Remember when you vote, you are voting as you think the stakeholder would vote. What trade-offs are acceptable to your stakeholder?
If the Environmentalists alone made the decision on which proposal ideas to follow, how do you think the vote would have turned out? How do the lessons you learned from Jaffrey Lake apply to the global community? Students should realize that a group decision is often different than an individual’s choice and that a scientist might have priorities other than those of many of the stakeholders. For more information on having this discussion, refer to your Teacher’s Edition.
How can a sustainability plan be developed for Jaffrey Lake that will balance the interests of all of the stakeholders?
evidence indicator stakeholder sustainability trade-off Key Vocabulary See Teacher Resources III: Literacy for more information on key vocabulary and the most effective strategies to enhance student vocabulary learning. Note that bold words are formally defined in this activity. Words in regular font are used in the activity, but not formally defined. The definition of a key vocabulary word should not be discussed as a class prior to the formal definition being introduced.