Welcome to 7th Grade Science & Algebra! with Mrs. Katrina Alegado Room 105~Alpha Team Tahoma Middle School
Mrs. Katrina Alegado n Bachelor of Science from Oregon State University in General Science (2001) n Master of Arts in Teaching from Willamette University (2002) n Professional Certification (2010) n Ecology Project International Student Trips! n Research with scientists during the summer!
Year-Long Educational Goals n Each student will reach their full potential. n Each student will successfully prepare for junior high school. n We will focus on: n study skills n work habits n organization n responsibility n accountability n content knowledge
Classroom Expectations n Respect yourself and others n Respect the teacher n Respect all property n Allow yourself and others to learn and be successful!
Required Classroom Materials n Pencil (with extras) n Notebook (2) (composition notebook) n ruler, calculator, colored pencils, glue sticks
Year-Long Science Curriculum n Experimental Design: Studying People Scientifically n Body Works n Cell Biology and Disease n Genetics n Ecology n Evolution n Bioengineering
Assessments n n Grades need to reflect what a student knows and can do. n n Therefore, summative and formative assessments will be used in this class. n n Dates for summative assessments will be announced well in advance (tests, projects, etc.), and will be worth more points. n n Formative assessments will be given frequently. These will include worksheets, notebook checks, labs, participation, quizzes, assignment checks, and other forms of assessment.
Grading n Grades will be calculated through a point system and this will accumulate throughout the quarter. Grades will be updated on Skyward frequently. n There will be a cumulative test at the end of each unit. n Science: Assignments/Labs/Notebooks 35% Tests/Quizzes/Projects 65% n Algebra: 40% Tests 30% Quizzes 30% Quizzes 30% Assignments 30% Assignments
Grading Scale n % = A n 80-89% = B n 70-79% = C n 60-69% = D n Below 60% = F
Questions? n n Prep Time = 1st Period (8:30-9:30 a.m.) n After School = 3:00-3:30 p.m. n SWIFT Website! n Thank you for coming!
Second Period & Homeroom
3 rd Period
5 th Period