Preparation of a Strategic Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) Project - Phase I (November January 2013) Climate Investment Funds (CIF) Grant No. TF through ADB and World Bank
Mr. Nuy Bora and Mr. Akhteruzzaman Sano Consultants, PPCR, MoE Consultation on Strengthening CSOs and Gender Considerations in Climate resilience in Cambodia 24 April
Contents 1.Objectives 2.Methodology 3.Key findings 4.Scope/potential areas for the proposed platform 5.Structuring the proposed GO-NGO/CSO Facility at Sub-national and national level 6.Challenges 7.Options/Recommendations 8.Group discussion
03 1.To identify potential areas for engaging CSOs/NGOs in future PPCR phase 1 and phase 2 activities, and 2.To strengthen gender considerations in climate change adaptation
Methodology o Desk Review o Consultations with 19 CSOs (CNGOs, INGOs, 3 CSO Networks 4 Academia, 1 Research and 1 Advocacy Agencies, 6 Development Partners, Media, 6 Government Ministries and Line Agencies CSO & Gender
Key Findings: Existing Networks/Platforms NameMechanismLegal SupportsType Remarks NCCN (CCCN) Physical Set up, mandate MoI (in- process) CSO Network on climate change Functioning NGO Forum Physical Set up, mandate MoI –RegisteredCSO Network on mainly advocacy fields Functioning DRR Forum No physical set up, no formal mandate Not registered but chaired by NCDM CSO, DP and Government Network on DRR Functioning Disaster Manageme nt Platform physical set up, formal mandate Not registered but chaired by NCDM Multi-stakeholder Platform for DRR Early stage Public Private Dialogue No physical set up, no formal mandate Not registeredCSO, DP and Government Network on issue based Functioning CARDPhysical Set up, mandate Formal status coordinated by Council Ministry Government Network on issue based Functioning 05
Cont. Key Findings: Existing CSO Networks/Platforms NameMechanismLegal SupportsTypePresent Situation Solution ExchangeNo physical set up, no formal mandate Not registeredOnline dialogueNot functioning Green-DrinkNo physical set up, no formal mandate Not registeredMainly CSO and DP Network Not functioning Government - Private Sector Forum Physical Set up, mandate “One Window Services” Formal status coordinated by CDC Government and Private Sector forum Functionin g The Gender and Development Network of Cambodia physical set up, formal mandate of GADNET/C Legal support (?) Multi- stakeholder functioning Green GrowthRoadmapxxUN and Inter- Governmental /Ministerial functioning CSO & Gender - 06
Cont. Key Findings - Gaps Gaps: o Limited Platform/Facility that can serve as the hub between government and non-government agencies on investment, climate change and gender considerations, o Limited approaches for integrating CSO concerns in climate change adaptation o Limited engagement of educational and cultural institutions in the dialogue on climate change resilience, o Limited strategic approach, guideline and methodology for strengthening of gender considerations in climate change adaptation o Limited interaction between National and Sub-national networks o Limited knowledge centers (library etc.) 6
o CSO Capacity Development Review/Update the Capacity Need Assessment Approaches, Awareness Raising and Capacity Building o Information Management (R&D, Data Collection, Analysis, Interpretation and Dissemination) o Climate Governance Partnership, Coordination, Accountability, Transparency, Volunteerism, (ref NSDP), linking with NAPA Follow-Up Projects/Program, D&D, DRR/CCA/…………………….. o Facilitating the Climate Investment Fund to CSO/NGOs through any existing mechanism o Facilitating dialogues on climate change and gender considerations engaging educational and cultural institutions along with stakes o M&E in order to promotion and replication o More 7
Sub-national Climate Coordination Team (PCCT) /Sub-national Climate Center ? Sub-national (Provincial, District and Commune ) Authority Private Sectors CSOs Line Dept. Academia Media Political Institutions DPs Others 8 Structuring the proposed GO-NGO/CSO Facility at Sub-national level
GO & NGO Forum: CC/ Gender actors (50-100/more) GO & NGO Coordination Team: formed with 9? members Where should be anchored at …………. GO 3? Reps –Provincial Authority, DoE, DoWA; CSO 3? Reps – CC and gender fields Others 3? - Academia, Media, Private Sector, DPs, Pol. Inst... Management of the facility? – No Chair but rotating Responsibility for a year CSO/DPs/Other Reps replace/50% every year? One Provincial Coordinator & one International Volunteer /external to support the secretariat /coordination team Funding coordination with - PPCR/DPs/GOs/CSOs/PS/Other Gender Rep/ Legal Supports/Other………….. Key Roles: Coordination With National Platform, Sub-national and national Authorities CSOs/PS/Academia/DPs/others Capacity Need Assessment and capacity building initiatives Information Management(info collection, analysis, dissemination..) Support partners in hosting national/international events etc. Climate Risk Mapping /Others…………….. 9 Structuring the proposed GO-NGO/CSO Facility at Sub-national level
National Climate Coordination Team (NCCT)/National Climate Center ? CCD/MoE Private Sectors CSOs Line Ministries/ Institutions Academia Media Political Institutions DPs Other (Lawyer, other professionals groups) 10 Structuring the proposed GO-NGO/CSO Facility at National level
GO & NGO Climate Forum: CC/ Gender actors (50-100/+) GO & NGO Climate Coordination Team: formed with 21? members Where should be anchored at …………. GO 7? Reps CSO 7? Reps – CC and gender fields Others 7? - Academia, Media, Private Sector, DPs, Pol. Inst... Management of the facility? – No Chair but rotating Responsibility for a year of the coordination team CSO/DPs/Other Reps replace/50% every year? One National Coordinator with one International expert to lead the secretariat Funding coordination with - PPCR/DPs/GOs/CSOs/PS/Other Equal Gender Rep/ Legal Supports/Other………….. Key Roles: Coordination with CCD/MoE, stakeholders CSOs/PS/Academia/DPs/others Capacity Need Assessment and capacity building initiatives for CSO/others Information Management(info collection, analysis, dissemination..) Support CCD/partners in hosting national/international events etc. Climate Risk Mapping /Others…………….. Structuring the proposed GO-NGO/CSO Facility at National level
Challenges o Consistent representation of stakeholders o Operation of national and sub-national Platforms o Supports from Provincial and National Partners etc. o Coordination Mechanism among National and sub- national Platforms o Capacity of the National/Provincial Coordinators /Volunteers/Technical supports o Capacity need assessment and capacity building o Funding supports for secretariats at sub-national and national levels o Coordinating with existing D&D Mechanism/PCDM etc. o Others
Options/Recommendation 1) Cambodia should consider gender (male, female and neutral) balanced multi-stakeholder platforms at national and sub-national levels that can bridge the government and non-government agencies in climate resilience processes. The platforms should be defined, scoped out with clear mandate/ToR, legal status etc. 2) The platforms should take leads in awareness raising and capacity building initiatives for its stakes 3) It should establish a climate resource library (soft and hard) anchored in a university to benefit knowledge- thirsty people particularly students as the future climate leaders
The Platforms should 4. assist in strategy development and collaboration approaches with government and non-government bodies 5. facilitate the approaches for integrating CSO concerns in enhancing climate resilience processes 6. facilitate the engagement of educational and cultural institutions in the dialogue on climate resilience processes, 7. facilitate to develop and implement the strategic approaches, guideline and methodology for strengthening of gender considerations in climate change adaptation 8. promote and interact with National and Sub-national networks that work in the climate and gender fields Cont. Options
Orientation to Group Discussions
Group 1: Potential areas and opportunities in strengthening Private Sector, CSO Engagements in climate perspectives 1)What are the comparative advantages of Government institutions and Civil Society/Private Sector for CC in Cambodia 2)What should be the name, scopes, structure and functions etc. of the proposed platform/facility? 3)What are the strength, weakness, opportunity and threats of existing facility/platforms? 4)Where and how should the facility be anchored at national and sub-national levels? 5)To what extent, where and how the CSOs can engage as partners of the PPCR in CC and gender consideration? 6)How to enhance coordination and sustainability mechanisms of the platform? Particularly in the post-PPCR period? 7)Capacity Needs for the Private Sectors, CSOs and gender considerations in the climate perspectives existing legal and other supports mechanism
Group 2: Gender Considerations in the climate resilience 1)What are the existing policies and their applications, and future consideration on gender dimensions in climate resilience ? 2)What should be the strategy, approach, tools to promote gender considerations in the climate resilience? 3)What should be scope, objectives and key components of the “master work plan” for gender consideration in climate perspectives 4)What are the existing legal and other support mechanisms for gender consideration in the climate change fields ?
Thank you for your kind attention Open Consultation