Starting the SUMP process in Slovenia based on the experience from Ljubljana Aljaž Plevnik, Urban Planning Institute, Ljubljana
Background EC working group on SUTP (2004) National SUTP project ( ) Civitas Elan - SUMP for Ljubljana ( )
SUMP for Ljubljana
CIVITAS Elan Open Academy International experts invited to share their knowledge and experience and to discuss elements of our SUMP Themes of workshops covered new and developing areas of SUMP Key decision makers, local experts, NGO’s, other stakeholders and general public invited
National Platform for Sustainable Mobility To introduce the meaning and need for SUMP to cities and municipalities To encourage decision makers by good examples and successful case studies To create a framework for cities and municipalities to develop SUMPs To offer support and knowledge exchange to stakeholders involved in preparation
NPSM outputs Lectures, conferencesNewsletters
NPSM outputs National guidance on SUMP
MariborLjutomer More SUMPs
Spreading the knowledge
EMW – supporting national coordination Using established brand Trying to involve more cities Focus on permanent measures Competition for the most active city
Next steps
Newsletters Events and workshops Information regarding SUMP in Slovene context Resources and funding opportunities Audits and quality management schemes National guidance for specific SUMP topics
Thank you! Aljaž Plevnik Tel +386 (0)