Biology Chapter 1 Review Definitions of Life and Organisms
What is Biology?
Biology The study of life –Bios = life –Logos = study Life is defined by characteristics or actions Life is identified by a basic building block
Biology is……… Study living things Orderly and sequential Study their environments and interactions Lots of specialties Lots of ways to study Part of your daily life
Biology is everywhere in our daily lives !
What specialty deals with this situation?
1-2 What Are Living Things? Organism is a complete, entire living thing They have certain required traits or characteristics You are an organism
Characteristics of Organisms We may use this list of identifiable traits to check on whether something is living (an organism) Living shows all of these traits Dead used to show the traits but not now Non-living never showed the traits or only some of them
The Structure of Life The basic unit of structure as well as function of all living things (organisms) is the cell. This is common to all life
Made of 1 or more cells
Obtain and Use Energy
Nutrition Activities in the pursuit and use of food substances
Respond to Stimuli in their Environment
Response/Regulation Living things use many processes to respond to stimuli (changes in the internal or external environment) and adjust for survival. A balance (homeostasis) is maintained between all processes. Control and coordination is crucial
Adapt and change to surroundings
Grow and Develop
Growth Increase in cell size and/or cell number from within an organism
Reproduction The individual organism does not have to reproduce to survive; but the species only survives if enough individuals replicate offspring like themselves
Have Universal Genetic Code
Maintain Stable Internal Environment Both positive and negative feedback systems Interconnected Interrelated
Synthesis Small molecules are connected chemically to create larger, more complex molecules (proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, carbohydrates,) needed by the body and its activities.
Respiration The removal of energy from food The conversion of that energy into usable ATP for cells
Transport Movement of materials into and around a cell and/or an entire body
Excretion Removal of cellular waste products left over from all the chemical activities (metabolism) of the body before they can build up and poison or pollute the internal environment Nothing can survive for long in its own wastes!
Actions of Life Nutrition Synthesis Growth/development Response/regulation Respiration/transport/excretion Reproduction Life means not just one, or a few, but all of these together
What is matter? Has mass and occupies space All objects made of matter Matter appears as elements/compounds Elements/atoms:Compounds/molecules Living matter consists of atoms of C, H, O, N, S, and P in different percentages
Element distribution
What do organisms need? Energy Water Air Temperature Space For homeostasis – a balance among all the activities of the body
Energy Autotroph Heterotroph Herbivore Carnivore Decomposer
Water 2/3 of your body Dissolve/transport For chemical reactions Support in plants
Air Oxygen for respiration From atmosphere or water Carbon dioxide for photosynthesis Some are anaerobic, like Clostridium botulinum
Temperature Exotherm – cold- blooded Endotherm – warm- blooded Oxygen content of water Small range of temp.
Living Space Area in which to live Provides food, water, sunlight, temperature, air and shelter Can’t be contaminated